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Everything posted by engr82

  1. And before you say it my missus castrated me long ago....
  2. Yeah believe me it wasn't my choice, my missus was going mad with him pissing up the sofa and it was either that or get rid of the dog ffs! It has worked so far touch wood.
  3. Probably right mate and cheers.
  4. Cheers for the welcomes and yes thanks plenty interesting stuff to get stuck into!
  5. Cracking pics! Makes me want to get out this weekend!
  6. Where abouts in east sussex are you? me and my old man got some terriers who will do the job, We are from Hastings/Battle area.
  7. I bloody hope it works but he only had it done yesterday so hes still walking like a cowboy!
  8. Im from gravesend so thats close enough! whats your pass times then mate?
  9. Yeah he has got it in him as he chases down rabbits and anything smaller than him which moves. glad to hear he should be ok and once the stiches are out he will be! Iv heard it doesnt always stop them doing it but iv done what the mrs has hassled me into doing so fingers crossed he stops!
  10. Nick from kent, I like to get out with my border at the weekends either out ferreting or mooching with the catapult. trying to get the dog into ratting so if theres anybody who can help me out,it would be appreciated! Cheers for the add.
  11. I have just had to get my 10 month old border done because he was marking in the house but I was wondering from your experiences if he will still be anygood to work?
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