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About Pollyanna

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  • Birthday 02/04/1969

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  • Location
    UK, Cheshire
  • Interests
  1. Very similar letter to the one I got from my MP (labour).
  2. Must have missed that. Thanks for posting. Very easy to do, just a few clicks.
  3. Don't trust polls either. Look what happened to Milliband!
  4. I've seen stoats and weasels stand and face a dog when they have young. Some pay the price with their lives. Very brave little animals.
  5. I know a walled wood. The walls are about seven feet high and made of sandstone. Foxes come and go over those walls with ease, especially when they are being chased! Watched hunted foxes running the top of the wall too even though it has a pointed coping stone along the top.
  6. Stephen Littles fur coat was I believe his Mothers. It was so cold at Altcar that he took to wearing it each time he went and it soon became his trade mark.
  7. Thanks for the warm welcome. Looks like a great site.
  8. William Lee's dog 'Modest Newdown' won the cup in 1973. The only travelling man to have won it.
  9. User name - Pollyanna. Mainly into working terriers {Jack Russells}, trapping, keepering.
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