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James Worrall

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About James Worrall

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  • Location
    Scotland/ Lanarkshire
  1. I have little knowlage on shooting at the moment but i have started going to my local range to get upto speed with it. the last thing i want to do is get permission to shoot on someones land and be a terrible shot. i aim to build a good reputation with local land owners and not get thrown off because of my shot. i dont know the do's and dont's of the law as of yet but will before i shoot on someones land. Thanks for your help and advice.
  2. Thanks very much RodN for the very useful advice, alot of people have told me to knock on doors which is fair enough but i didnt really know what to say or what i should have with me. From reading your comments i am alot more confident about getting a permission so thanks very much for helping me get started. i really appreciate it.
  3. Chapping doors it is then. thanks again for the advice always apreciated.
  4. ok thanks for the heads up. I am relativley new to all this so any advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks guys
  5. I have just bought my first air rifle and now need permission to shoot. What is the best way to go about getting permission from a land owner to shoot on their land? I dont mind paying a fee to do this. Or if anyone on here has a rabbit problem, I would be more than happy to help. I am in the lanarkshire area, Scotland. thanks
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