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Everything posted by Bestabout21

  1. Yer pal all sound an my niece is going to bottle feed 3 ov them so there's only 4 on her an they go way bk to nicks terriers my mate had the breeding 4 yrs sire on left an grandmother to the pups mother ov my bitch http://s1382.photobucket.com/user/clatcham87/media/0FB50530-BDC0-4356-9628-3C382CB592C4_zps1e6fxkrn.png.html
  2. http://s1382.photobucket.com/user/clatcham87/media/BF0BC15E-6BAA-4E9C-8016-09DD498A75A6_zpswk8q9l8n.jpg.html 2 days old mother an pups doing well bitch is over pertecdid with them so she going to look after them
  3. My hopefully for next yearhttp://s1382.photobucket.com/user/clatcham87/media/5A9892DF-8DB8-4BB5-9C58-0488F1D97D1D_zps77thal1z.jpg.html
  4. http://s1382.photobucket.com/user/clatcham87/media/D7AE08E3-6E80-43D1-8ED9-FD61B49E22D4_zpsou5kpbj2.jpg.html My 11 mouth old chic bitch ready to go
  5. http://s1382.photobucket.com/user/clatcham87/media/051C21E2-1DC5-4114-BC37-3CD44C730462_zpsm7rqvr6x.png.html
  6. Well done pal u come on lords in the last few wks u make the effort an got results hope there's plenty ov work for u an ur terriers mate good luck
  7. l 3 mine wanted to go at his ages an the other 1 didn't go till he was 17 mouths dug the 3 others at 9 mmouths old an rabbit hunter the 1s [BANNED TEXT] don't want a look r the 1s [BANNED TEXT] don't go or make a desant dog
  8. I got a great grand daughter out ov buck an they take all my uncle had 2 ov bucks daughter's ? Why do u want to know mate
  9. Arite Lee its OK glad to show u a couple ov digs farmer's r well happy we sorted their problems out an yer carnt wait to come out for a nigth out ? An there's some prowers on here
  10. Yer must be but not far off or pal
  11. Yer I know got mixed up Vicky and Stan was out ov smithy
  12. Don't know I could ov got the dogs mixed up an it was a couple ov years ago i was dw DH
  13. Make me laugh the dog was a bayer an was mostly used on foxes DH had him there for a while witch is bitch Vicky come from an a dog called Stan the dog is on the front ov world ov working terriers book or 1 ov DH books people who know ov DH would also know he had him off Ken
  14. http://i1382.photobucket.com/albums/ah264/clatcham87/Mobile%20Uploads/2015-03/4548F0BA-4EA6-4809-87F7-8FF874173FDC_zpsiv0bnmmo.jpg Nice pic Seen ur Russell an it looks like old dog I had couple ov years ago hope u have better luck with white dogs pal then I did
  15. http://i1382.photobucket.com/albums/ah264/clatcham87/Mobile%20Uploads/C08D8404-8D02-4036-B1DC-A44B5A65ACA1_zpsv0yaape5.png My other 2 9 months old busting for next season dog on the left an bitch on the rigth
  16. http://i1382.photobucket.com/albums/ah264/clatcham87/Mobile%20Uploads/40E677A5-1E03-4353-8611-F6D41E3FF0F2_zpsnrgutbzp.png My 2 16 mouths old dog on the left bitch on the rigth bro an sis
  17. If it wasn't 4 my mate taking me an giving me a couple ov well bread pups I don't know where I would be every 1 got to start some where so in my eyes every 1 should get a chance an pointed in the rigth way if they done take ur anvise dont take them again
  18. http://i1382.photobucket.com/albums/ah264/clatcham87/Mobile%20Uploads/2015-03/D608D708-006A-486F-9A21-315D9549BF03_zpsahbvo9a3.jpg This is the bitch wrong pic come up lol
  19. http://i1382.photobucket.com/albums/ah264/clatcham87/Mobile%20Uploads/2015-03/AA5B9B9E-4468-43C3-A5A2-FC8549519871_zpszhvhpbvg.jpg My 9 mouth old dog 4 next season brother to the bitch above
  20. http://i1382.photobucket.com/albums/ah264/clatcham87/Mobile%20Uploads/2015-03/B1A03A80-2924-4167-8354-E08056DC10C0_zps80krthod.jpg My 9 mouth old bitch 4 next season
  21. lol yer they don't how much I do pal I'm far from 1 an thanks mate hope u have luck finding a terrier coz they like rocking horse s..t pal
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