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About Dogman_28

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter

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  1. Truth hurts so why after the incident of her jacking u tape her and say what a bitch no jack in her this bitch getting matched no hare outrun her Lies lies lies believe me there's loads more to come this just the start
  2. What about the dancer you tube clip. Or the hacking
  3. And didn't you sell other people's DVDs Go get your dog shit shovel and dig a bigger hole
  4. But least with pup money you be able to pay your debts. You do owe people quite a lot
  5. See you have to tell more lies. Paul has more problems to worry about than you. You need to get over him. Truth hurts doesn't it Jamie. Stop trying to make people feel sorry for you. The deal with letty was if she good you would breed off her but if shit either pts or give to pet home which you did. Then now you bigging her up and she's this and that but you know she's shit. Anyone reading this knows you talk and tell lies if they seen the dvd. U slagged Lauren off for jacking and only three minute bitch but on tape you do nothing but praise her Jealousy comes to mind. Nice to s
  6. It was mileys camcorder. I've watched the dvd and there's only. 4 runs of your bitch stop telling lies Jamie. Bitterness and slime. Ooze from you.
  7. Do you not think its wrong Jamie Your doing the same to a man who only helped you. So you saying tommy Gary and Paul only done the DVDs to line there own pockets. In the city I live you would be cut up for this you might as well go and pinch the charity boxes themselves. Seems how I got your attention and you answering questions tell the world how you got letty and the deal you made.
  8. Charity DVD Gary (nipper )tommy and Paul made
  9. And tell the lads why did you try and spoil the charity did that Gary Paul and tommy done shall I post the the conversations you had with Bob Dunn
  10. Tell the lads the truth Jamie. Who gave you letty and what was the deal you did
  11. I haven't met you in person but have seen you on here and Facebook contradict your self more than once. You seem a very bitter man who needs to get out and earn some money instead of taking people's eyes out with puppy peddling. What would you class letty has a decent bitch top grade or shit why did you not run her last year instead of your pup. I'll tell you why because she could only run one hare then had to be carried back to the motor because she blew that much weight because of problems inside her who did u buy letty off
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