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About _Herb_

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  1. Just looking through some of last months posts and interesting that many had called an end to the season last month as rabbit numbers are low. I mainly ferret in mid Hampshire and rabbit numbers this year are up on last year and all bunnies are clean, no sign of myxomatosis or any other disease. Anyway, so I was out this Saturday, been asked to clear through some animal enclosures at a local zoo. It's a bit different when working in a crane enclosure or Wallaby and Alpaca paddocks. I had 9 out of the paddocks, then ventured on to a neighbouring field that had quite a bad rabbit problem in
  2. I brought my long nets on Ebay, got a couple of 50yrd Quicksets in the basket. They're made with standard nylon netting material. They work well, but have been tangled a few time and I need to have a good sort out and re-tie them up. There is a lot of bagging on them.
  3. Evening, I've just been out long netting hedgerows today, double fenced hedgerow with stocknetting about 5ft wide apart. I set one longnet each side running the length of the warren, about 2-3ft out from the fence line, further if any bolt holes. I did have concerns that the rabbits may just bolt and run down the middle of the fence and I couldn't use stop nets, however, nothing did, all bolted in to the field to make their escape and the longnet worked just fine. I will make up some 'donk boards' for next time just in case though. All I would say. is having nets both sides of the he
  4. Thanks for the advice. I've been out a couple of times in the last 10 days, so much easier than ferreting. I'm clearing a football ground for a mate, who is highly impatient as the rabbits keep digging up the pitch. The only problem is the weather is far from ideal and unlike a field, you only have a set area to deal with, which makes setting up the nets and not scaring off the rabbits a bit more of a challenge.
  5. Gents, I'm sure this has all been asked before, and I have tried looking for the info on the internet. Anyway I'm looking to break in to night time long netting. I do a lot of ferreting and use quickset long nets with them, but want to try my hand at long netting, so a couple of questions: 1 - Can you long net any time of the year or mainly the summer months (i.e are the rabbits out feeding at night during the winter months? 2 - Weather, is long netting in the wet any good, or are most of the rabbits underground? 3 - Any other tips greatly received. I've got several football
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