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sean goshawk

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Everything posted by sean goshawk

  1. Well went out tonight with the lamp and bagged another rabbit as this was the only caught one and had a few more flights and the bird got soaked with the water log fields and just called it a nite.
  2. ​ this was last nite clip and I think its time to sell the gos and buy a female goldie as I called another fox in on the caught rabbit and the second rabbit I never got the clip as battery died and the red filter clip was the woodcock.
  3. Well tonight the Gos was 2lb 9 1/2 oz and got the lamp ready and bagged two rabbits and a woodcock.
  4. Around a year it can be stored in the freezer before it gets Frost bit .and use steel pellets as my mate use them in the rifle and will not harm the birds when feeding them it.
  5. ​ last nites clip of the gos and redtail
  6. Better picture with the redtail and rabbit
  7. Female redtail on its first lamping rabbit.
  8. Well tonight the Gos was 2lb 9 1/2oz and me the mate went out with the redtail .and when we got to the ground there was a wind that made the place feel like -100 .couldn't stop or ull frozen to death.so the Gos bagged one and the redtail to bagged one
  9. Flip there's times the wind is hitting 60mpr and could last a good few days.as I've only 6 weeks of flying left and lll be putting her up for the moult.as the fields are to wet and need alot of Frost to tighten the ground up
  10. ​ this was last nites clip and caught rabbit and ull see ive pushed her hard on some flights and runs out of steam and was hunting again with the wrong thing as we called a fox into are feet about 50 yrds close to us.
  11. Well tonight the Gos was 2lb 9 1/2oz and after it was 50mpr winds the nite it calm away down to nothing and bagged another rabbit the nite
  12. Well after having a two rest up.got the Gos out today for a quick hour and bagged another rabbit.
  13. ​ this was the partridge flight and rabbit caught.and I lucky hare got away from a long distance flight and a luck rabbit to and a good flight at a hen bird that got away .
  14. ​ this was last nites lamping clips and caught rabbit
  15. ​ this was from a few day back that I had some flights at rooks and magpie some flights are at long distance ones.
  16. Well today the big girl was 2lb 9 1/2oz and took out the pup to do some cover work and he marked a set of winds and flushed out six partridge and she took off like a rocket and then the flight went over some other winds and missed the catch and ran round to see if I could find her and she was in a wind Bush with the partridge.and the pup flushed a young rabbit from a winds and ended up with another kill.and missed another rabbits broke from some rocks and got away and had a good flight at a hen bird and got away to.
  17. Well the big girl was 2lb 9 3/4 oz and went out for a quick hour and spotted this rabbits in some cover and the Gos seen it as I only put my foot into the first field and in the space of 5 min a rabbit was in the bag and headed home.
  18. ​ zoom in clips to see rabbits better
  19. this was last nites lamping clip with the gos and redtail. GHANGE THE SETTING TO 1080P FOR BETTER CLIP
  20. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=btkFZ-AC88U and this was a clip from yesterday and one lucky rook got away.
  21. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wM2TxKYkjb4 ​ this was some clips at magpies and a grey back and was playing around the a editer to try and zoom in some flights as the gopro you cant see the full flight what the bird is going for.
  22. Last night the big girl was 2lb 10oz and me and the mate went out with a female redtail to get used to the lamp and bird was unlucky and had a few miss and the Gos bag one .
  23. Well done mate that is on my next to do list try and get a duck.
  24. ​ last nights lamping with two caught rabbits.
  25. Well tonight I pushed the big girl and bag another two rabbits on the lamp.
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