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sean goshawk

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Everything posted by sean goshawk

  1. Yeah I'm going pure Finnish this time as my female was 3/4 Finnish 1/4 German and was a good lump.and I think a good size of male would take a hare.
  2. I've only flown females as this will be my first male so fingers crossed there be a male and hope this one stay alive or lll pack it in for good.
  3. well done mate really looking forward to your future post ,.[/quote Thank you but he's only to get me threw the rest of the season as I've a male Gos order for next year and if there's one there he'll be going back to the breeder.
  4. There not many squirrel over here so I wouldn't hunt them.as lll stick with the rabbits and hares if he'll take one as he's only to keep me going until next season as I've order myself a pure Finnish male Gos and hope there be a male in it or lll just keep the red on and fly him.
  5. Well the big man was 2lb 1 3/4 oz and took him out a run with the mate and ferrets and manage to get one and let him feed up on it until he lost interest eating and heading home .
  6. Thank he needs alot of fitness work so lll spend a good while at him to see if I can get fit with using a parachute attached to him and see if it's better than rope pulls.
  7. Thanks mate he's a nice boyo and think he'll get on with the Springer's as he's never worked with dogs as that will come when I get abit of fitness training done with him.
  8. Well having no luck on with a Gos and with breeder messing me about .I had I good breeder I got my first Harris off offered me to fly a male redtail so I've took challenge on and have a go at one.
  9. Rats .quail. rabbits .chicks .pheasant and what she killed crow magpies and partridge.
  10. And dehydration could cos it or low weight but that bird had plenty of fat on it .but I've heard of people fly and Gos all day and fed the bird up and getting ready to go home and the bird drop dead for no reason and have heard of a person recalling the bird to them and drop dead to when landed on the glove.
  11. To cut the story short she had a hard chase at a rook and landed up a 50ft fur tree and think she took a fit and was hanging upside down with her feet attached to the tree and I run up it to get her and got her down and was fine and then dropped down on the glove and then die ten minutes later as her sugar levels drop dangers low and just never recovered from it and passed away on my glove . Fuuck man Is there a way to get sugars into the bird fast like a dog? I know this may seem a stupid question but.... why would this happen after one course/flight/whatever? Surely in the wild they
  12. To cut the story short she had a hard chase at a rook and landed up a 50ft fur tree and think she took a fit and was hanging upside down with her feet attached to the tree and I run up it to get her and got her down and was fine and then dropped down on the glove and then die ten minutes later as her sugar levels drop dangers low and just never recovered from it and passed away on my glove .
  13. I've asked the breeder I got my female Gos of and just missed her sister bye a few weeks and she came out of the pen at 3lb 3oz as she would of been a big female.
  14. III be getting another Gos as its to late in the year now to get a young bird .
  15. Thank you mate glad you like this thread
  16. Thanks mate as I was lost this morning as I'm used to get up a 8 and letting her out and the sound of the bells ringing and nothing now.
  17. Flip you where near in tears mate it should of been me like that .
  18. The worst feeling in the world.yesterday the big girl had her last flight at a rook and sadly passed away on my glove .I'm total lost for words as I've spent three hard years work and lost in a blink of an eye.rip aul girl you die what you love to do.
  19. Jackdaw there was a rook sitting out about a 100 yds sitting on a post and the Gos seen it and went after it but this Jack got up and it was sitting tight behide a Dyke and she took after it for a 100 yds chase then it hit the ground and the Gos automatic went vertical and flip round again and chased it for 200 yds and was heading for the jeep and the Gos close to it tail and flip in at the last min and took it in mid air.and weight 2lb 10 oz on the dot
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