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Everything posted by jok

  1. Strangely. Last November in fact our local butcher stopped trading and I know for a fact that the mincer is still in the shop. I'll do a bit of sleuthing and see what we can come up with. Let you know soonest. (it is a blinking big thing). Jok.
  2. One slight problem my friend. Looking at the pics, the trees were willow as opposed to ash. The buggers will not die and if I'm correct, and that is a waterway at the side of your garden then the roots will extend right underneath. They will take every bit of moisture going. Like trying to get rid of Horseradish or mares tail. Blinking nightmare. Good luck and hope you have a good season.Jok.
  3. Hellish. Not a situation I'd like. Up here things are a bit different. Up here means The Midlands. You might try thinking about a career move?? Seriously. Went out on a quote this afternoon (for the business I'm in) and ended up with 440 acres rough shooting. As if I don't have enough but you just got to ask. That's the key my son. Keep battering them doors and sooner or later them's gonna open. Good luck my friend. Fancy a few days up here come September time you are more than welcome. Free digs and breakfast thrown in. Got to be good. Jok.
  4. jok


    I didn't like chrome rings for whatever reason when I started making nets . Contacted a firm on the South coast who supplied me with white nylon Trawler rings. They also supplied me with spools of 10z nylon and some terrific drawcord. The guy who I ferret with now reckons they are the best nets he's ever used. At the time the obvious plus was that the white nylon rings stood out but now with the new colours nets are more likely not to be missed. Another choice however. Jok.
  5. Rabbits can relax, breed and get ready for next September. In the meantime other things need to be addressed. THE ALLOTMENT. There's no point in having meat with no veg. As you can see from the attached image the garden is a bit on the large side. I'ts what they call a double. I'm a bit of an old hand so hand digging is the only way to go. I mucked completely last autumn and in certain areas dug in used brewers hops. (my secret weapon).Next week my first early potatoes will be in even though I run the risk of frosts. However, when I put them in, I ridge, exactly as the farmers do. (trust the f
  6. Less spinach you clown !!
  7. Well done. well today was our last but only by mutual consent. 3 lovely rabbits (no young) which were either gay or similar? I bought me a new dog, a 17 month old springer which we hope will add to the bag next season. The allotment is begging attention so unfortunately everything has been hung up. Lovely season. See you next September. Jok.
  8. Cor blimey. What a question. Know what, when you have a retriever ala springer, lab , etc it's almost the first thing you instill. Sit. Down.Heel. Stay. Fetch. Leave. Over. Down. (or variations of the same theme). I guess a lot of that doesn't happen with a running dog. OK I've had a few (3 actually) but have never asked them to do all of the above. Training meant that they ran the lamp, found and retrieved and looked for the next one. Not really asked to stay hard on the lead. I would know exactly how to keep a retriever to heel but in fairness never tried with a lurcher.Jok.
  9. To you my friend . Thank you for your comments. Trust me, without the education from my mate Gaz, these pictures would not have happened. I have only used purse nets since possibly 1986. Every hole, every maybe hole, sides of main roads, culverts,tree roots,gorse bushes, brambles, hawthorn, whole sides of hills, flipping heck we've all been there. Then I met this guy with long nets. Know what he said?? Purse net the obvious bolt holes and any others you can get at. Can you believe that. I thought the guy was a crank. Clearly out of his head. On drugs. Pissed. Disillusioned. Thing is. You conti
  10. Top tip. Sit with someone who knows what he's doing. Saved me a load of grief.Jok.
  11. Thanks for all your comments. I'm enjoying the forum very much and hope to be able to contribute in a positive way in the future. Good spotting skills KEITH !!! Thanks for your support GAZ.( Hunt Hard Sleep Easy.) Jok.
  12. Nice one lads. I love that little dog. Memories.!!!! Jok.
  13. Somebody is 'barking mad'. Can't think of any orange trees in Derbyshire. Jok.
  14. Mate . Out on Saturday and a young rabbit, 1/2 grown sat on top of the warren whilst the ferrets were in. In and out like they do , a couple of times. Enough. Get them ferrets out.Jok.
  15. Possibly putting my foot in a great big hole!! Working a Plummer. Absolutely brilliant. Strong. Intelligent. OOps said toooo much already. Hey. Love this little fella. Jok.
  16. clown. old enough to be your dad's dad's dad. I remember when we had a game dealer in Market street. Used to sell all my rabbits and pigeons there. Do YOU remember? Chick Rushden. He was one hell of a guy. Jok.
  17. You've evoked some beautiful memories. Kate, a wonderful companion, fearless, tireless and utterly obedient.Even though she's been gone a long while I remember her training like it was yesterday. 'THE WHISTLE'? We worked tirelessly on basic commands with the help of 3 local gundog clubs, including the National Retriever Club. The little girl won at Canwell Show which was a tear jerker. THEN. Into the first field dog trial, held up at Barton on Humber. She was given a retrieve on a woodcock. Heaven forbid I had no idea that they omitted the same scent as a starling which I gather is scant. She
  18. Evening guys. The last thing we want to hear is the dreaded Myxy. Luckily we have not encountered one case. Whilst being, in the main, Sunday rabbiters, we have had some comfortable bags. 15/18/19/16/21/4 and horrible' the blank. It must be said however, I was complaining to anyone who would listen, about the lack of rabbit, including activity. It seemed as though all my previously productive land was now derelict. No farmers or keepers giving me grief. Bad sign. Anyway. Perseverance and a bit of luck we came through it. Together with some lovely little companions, a lab who had never seen a r
  19. South Derbs. Ashby de la Zouch. Don't know if I can help.Jok.
  20. 61 years young tomorrow. Carried 11 with my box up a bit of a hill and was completely knackered.That was Saturdays mission. The only tuck I had with me was the hip flask with some damson vodka in it. Not all bad. Ended up with 15. I think we are going to try one more weekend but after that I think it's gonna finish. Shame really. We had a hell of a few weeks. Trout and the allotment next. Jok.
  21. This is good safe ground to be on mate. Welcome and enjoy. Jok.
  22. jok

    Plummer Pup

    friend of mine went for a pup. All males. Interested. Jok.
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