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Everything posted by jok

  1. Crikey. What a bag of worms that opened. A certain German leader had much the same idea. Look what happened to that tw--. When we go to buy a new young ferret, have we any idea of it's breeding other than the sellers word. Doubt it guys. Realistically we all have 'the perfect ferret' and would breed from him or her for our own satisfaction. I doubt any one of us could truthfully say, before culling, that this kit is no good. What I'm trying to say is that we ain't THE BIG MAN Upstairs. I think every little thing deserves a chance. If you breed a litter, have a go at moving what you don't want
  2. Thank you for your kind comments.
  3. My share of the proceeds from a lovely morning. Note the home made long netting equipment. Jok
  4. Managed to net 18 rabbits last weekend. First time ever there were 4, what looked like marble stones, loose in the stomach cavity. They were fairly solid and about the size of the end of my thumb. Strange. Anyone seen anything similar? from Jok.
  5. Hi guys and girls. I'm semi retired and more than interested in all aspects of country life. At the moment my prime concern is rabbit control. I and a couple of friends do most weekends and are reasonably successful. Also enjoy deer stalking and carcass management. Thats about it for now.
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