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Everything posted by jok

  1. Well. I posted on the 10th of March and to be honest thought I'd have a few more comments/posts. The allotment is looking very good. All potatoes in, broad beans, onion sets, parsnip and beetroot seed, strawberry plants and a rhubarb root, 2 rows of carrot, all the brassicas coming on well in the greenhouse together with squash, marrow and pumpkin. Money maker tomato yet to make a break through but that's to be expected. All in all not too bad. Jok.
  2. Think the idea is not to 'bite' my friend. You are gonna end up in deep water.Jok.
  3. Already said my piece. Jok.
  4. mate, this was in Gods country. Melrose to be exact. Jok.
  5. Hit your dad over the head with a spade because he's decided he no longer wants you and decides to give you a very hard time. Get out of Dodge at 15 and head for the hills. £18 in your pocket, 250 miles from home. YMCA for £4 a week. Do the math. Being tough or hard isn't really the option. Survival is.jok.
  6. Bit harsh Courseadog. Could be one sitting wrong or getting comfy, fragile shell and hey presto. Free meal. I can't imagine anyone getting rid of the flock.Jok.
  7. Nice one pal. I was in one of them zones. My appologies. Jok.
  8. At the risk of being rude, he recalibrates the thing. Working again. Not bad eh.
  9. If only you'd left it at Ellie , the rabbit, the pup and the pink lead . HFL would have been a wonderful place!!Jok. Lovely pics pal. Credit to you.
  10. Mate. Air is air. I've dived a lot and had a lot of my mates fill cylinders at the shop. Same air. Think about it. A compressor takes air from the air that we breath normally, compresses it and fills our tanks. Not really science. Something could be wrong with your barrels or more likely a build up in the suppressor which a lot of people don't remove and clean regularly. Worth a look at I think. Jok.
  11. What a bummer, never would have thought that. Very strange behaviour. Jok.
  12. OK son here we go. DEER: Law and Liabilities by Charlie Parker & John Thornley. Fowler in the wild by Eric Begbie. Way of the Gamekeeper by Jill Mason. British Game Shootig by Brian P. Martin. The Illustrated Six Pointer Buck by David Stephen. Guns by Logan Thompson. Incubation by Katie Thear. Shooting Game by Michael Kemp. Ferreting and Trapping by Guy Smith. Practical Country Living by Guy Smith. Small Scale Game Rearing by J>C> Jeremy Hobson. A Green Guide to Country Sports by JNP Watson. Your Shoot by Ian McCall.A PATTERN of Wings. by Jonathan Young. Sportin pigeon shooting by Mi
  13. I've a box load of lovely books relating to hunting, shooting, game and various country pursuits. These are nearly all hardbacks so as you might imagine are quite heavy. Anyone interested is more than welcome to have them but must take into consideration, carriage and postage. They are all in good condition. I will list them separately but you you must be genuinely interested. Jok.
  14. If anyone wants a widow they can have it for the postage. Rubbers long gone so need to redo. Bought it in Florida so don't know the diameters. Anyhow, yours for the asking. Jok.
  15. Mate. Ball in bush ?? Bedroom games? Like to see the video though but to be honest I'm crying here. Jok.
  16. Even I know they don't have baths in Perthshire. Jok.
  17. Guys. Thank you for that little shake up. Yes. Germany. Strange that. They don't allow that behaviour over there. Must have been somewhere else. South America. Oh happy days!Jok.
  18. Another one of them porno sites??
  19. Yep. No doubt you've got a world beater. Bet they are ringing you non stop for the prodigy. Nice little dog though. Jok.
  20. Spot on Craig. Not a big move from the ball to the dummy either. Try very short retrieves, and I'm on about 6 to 8 feet. This is just about enough time for the dog to pick up and turn round. Lo and behold there are you with your hand/hands out for the retrieve and a load of praise. That's what you can build on. Good man. Jok.
  21. For what it's worth' Iv'e just got my copy of Sporting Gun and low and behold, 'Gundogs for sale' Springador pups. Mostly black with white chest markings ready April 9th. Pictures on request. Notts. Worth a look?? Jok.
  22. Flipping heck They both would make 3 of mine. Good luck though. Jok.
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