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Everything posted by jok

  1. Some of the best diving I've ever done round our coastline. Without a doubt on of the best ways to see the seals and underwater caverns. The runs through between the various rocks is amazing. I'd agree one of the lovliest places to be in. Not bad beers either.
  2. Mushroom. One thing you sure are is dry.
  3. Keeping it going, CDC are doing ok down here. Mixed colours. Standard of fish good too.
  4. Mate. 5 years in The Middle East and I couldn't agree more. The green of May, a nice pint of Marsdens Pedigree and good company. I'm sure there's loads more but they meant a lot to me.
  5. Bad bad boys Thought a sensible answer might be in the coming but no, true to form, assholes.
  6. Bought them from Derek Stocker. Best trousers ever. Jok
  7. Now then, It really is upon us. March brown and the like are all but forgotten. Caddies daddies and lots of the like are coming on so what are you doing to catch them fish.
  8. Rabbit pen my friend. I remember long ago, going into a rabbit pen with the then Head keeper on Merevale Estates, a lovely guy called Harry Stangoe. At the same time in the company of Mary Grant, Mandsditch kennels. Simple rule was, rabbit, stop whistle. rabbit ,stop whistle. You probably need to have a check lead on to start with but with a little encouragement get rid of it . I then ran my young springer in a field test (obviously with a lot more training) and got the result I wanted. Strange though it sounds, the grounding was then there for flushed pheasants and partridge which certainly
  9. Good call. Braun is the way to go with a head. Not many folks have it now. Like chicklin and pigs cheeks, trotters boiled tongue. Ah. Good old.
  10. Cider vinegar my friend. Does everything for your birds system. Highly thought of. iT'S ONLY A SMALL AMOUNT PER MIX SO OBVIOUSLY BE CAREFUL.
  11. HiHo. This is Jok from Melrose, arguably the most beautiful town in Scotland. Rugby the game and Jok's the name. Welcome.
  12. Hi guys. After a multi. 100kg backlift or more.
  13. jok

    The Dog Factory

    Next door neighbour but one doing exactly that. Border collies. Noisy as hell and nasty, proper nasty. Heard the other day that they are going to breed German Shepherds next. As already mentioned, these people are never seen walking their dogs. Strange.
  14. Struggling a bit with this one. I have a lot of different breeds of chickens both bantam and large hen. My customers love the fact that each box contains different colors, cream, brown, green, blue, egg colour etc. Fact is, they all hatch, and the chicks are always the same size give or take. Why would a wild bird be any different?
  15. Well I'll tell you something. Look out for tracks in and out from both roe and muntjac. Done a bit of both down there. If it's alder and birch then anything else is unsubstainable.. Too wet.
  16. Have a word with Derek Stocker. Somerset area.
  17. Brilliant result. Strength to strength now.
  18. Prefer a Sauvigion Blanc myself.
  19. same subject. I used to drink in a little local, lunchtimes. This geezer walked in all dresses in black, and I mean black. Asked the landlord if he stocked bottled Guiness. No was the reply. Well I'm going to be in the village each Friday for the forseeable future so could you make sure you have some. What time of day were you thinking of coming in. No idea don't have a watch. Work with the fact that when I'm awake I work and drink. Any other time I sleep. This geezer turned up every Friday and drank 12 bottles of Guiness. Cycled home to Hinckley, Leics. Went by the name of Sooty. You'd never
  20. Bet it had a collar on it attached to a bag of nets and a knocker box. Shite took the rabbits though.
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