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Everything posted by jok

  1. Death and rent day my friend. Jok.
  2. Two of my mates are on their way, as we speak, with a team of lurchers, for a Xmas spree on the deer. I guarantee they won’t be caught. Jok
  3. How on earth can you be caught ?? Our farm , in the Borders, could take a hundred guys rabbitting and you’d never see them. We had guys coming down from the capitol shooting deer and we only knew they were there when we heard a shot. We had a wee burn running down from the local reservoir and guys would be trouting on a regular basis without any problem. We had a salmon run up the same water and my brother and I would be on it night and day. My point being. Keep out of the way, keep your head down and enjoy what is, after all, a country pursuit. Jok.
  4. Nice one Tam but don’t get greedy. You want to leave the ones you’ve done alone to let the rabbits settle. Try to ferret fresh, small, burrows. Smaller the better as long as they are obviously being used. I wish you and yours a happy Xmas. Stay lucky. Jok.
  5. Come on then. How are you getting on? Jok.
  6. Guys. I need a bit of help. Need an Ali scaffold tower. I need to reach approx 7m. I will borrow, beg, buy and can travel a little bit but anywhere in the Midlands (East or West) would be good. Thanks and appreciated. Jok.
  7. Guys. I need a bit of help. Need an Ali scaffold tower. I need to reach approx 7m. I will borrow, beg, buy and can travel a little bit but anywhere in the Midlands (East or West) would be good. Thanks and appreciated. Jok.
  8. jok

    If it quacks…..

    Bearing in mind this is the Midlands, driving back from the pub I was slightly staggered to see what I thought was a stork. I mentioned it to the lads and have been informed it’s a white egret. Apparently there are quite a few around the area. Jok.
  9. jok

    How did you

    Had a crash on my Triumph which had the tank rack. Went over a delivery van but my balls tried to stop my forward momentum. It was quite messy but I got away with it and even managed a family. Jok.
  10. jok

    If it quacks…..

    Just by the way. We have a white blackbird. Jok.
  11. jok

    If it quacks…..

    Odd. I was going to post. Had a knock on the door the other morning. Here you are Jok. A nice brace of mallard which my wife and I are having for Sunday dinner. I agree with you in that, I open the forum every day but am still stunned at the lack of new content. IMO. JOK
  12. Well did I ever drop a bollock. No pics cause no evidence. In my last post, in the background was venison ready for the next batch of pasties. Nicely diced and ready. Now the lovely one says do not put the slow cooker on in the kitchen cause she don’t like stinking the place out. So, out to the garage I go and get the thing going. Return to kitchen and lo and behold a spaniel licking his lips. Little git had upwards of 1 kilo in a matter of seconds. Ah well. My loss. Jok.
  13. Heard you were in The States. Whatever nice to see you back on here. Might you still be moderating? Jok.
  14. Eh up Socks. Nice to hear from you again. Nice trip away?. Jok.
  15. jok


    They took my car. My jewellery. All contents of the car. They even confiscated some of the fish the barstewards. Luckily for me, in a jocular way, they missed a few which I’d hidden up which I managed to sell. Like I say. Brutal. Jok.
  16. jok


    What an immotive subject. If someone rears and farms a bird/ animal then anyone who harms should be punished. If a bird/ animal is deemed wild then no one owns it/them unless trespass is the main issue. Whilst goose shooting on the Solway, as long as you gained access to the foreshore without trespass, ie, down a brook, then you can do no harm. Also, it is, I believe, illegal to repatronise wild rabbit to areas on which they have become scarce. Going back to the mixi days you were asked to take care of making sure that not one was spared. So now it is a criminal offence punishable by high fine
  17. jok


    What an immotive subject. If someone rears and farms a bird/ animal then anyone who harms should be punished. If a bird/ animal is deemed wild then no one owns it/them unless trespass is the main issue. Whilst goose shooting on the Solway, as long as you gained access to the foreshore without trespass, ie, down a brook, then you can do no harm. Also, it is, I believe, illegal to repatronise wild rabbit to areas on which they have become scarce. Going back to the mixi days you were asked to take care of making sure that not one was spared. So now it is a criminal offence punishable by high fine
  18. jok


    I was caught bang to rights poaching salmon near Lauder. Scottish Law took everything I had except the clothes I was wearing. Question. How did he get on with his dog/s ferrets, nets etc. Quite apart from the fine it can be quite brutal. Jok.
  19. We have had 1/2 of one each. Maybe I should have cooked for another 10 mins but my pastry was perfect so didn’t want to take the risk. The meat was tender and moist but all in all I have given myself a 7/10. Possibly more pepper. Not a bad first try I reckon. Jok.
  20. Well Arry there are 6 pasties in the oven as I speak. The only thing I changed was not using cubed potatoes. I opted for the ‘chip’ route. The meat I’ve used is beef skirt. The lovely one and I are going to have an early meal and to fair I can’t wait. Photos to follow.
  21. I’m on it. Told the lads what I was doing and following , yet again, my pie success, all hands went up for the pasties. Thank you. Jok.
  22. FAO Arry. Good morning mate. Just had a shuftie at your pasties and am wondering, do you parboil the veg before hand? Jok.
  23. What have you put on your Christmas wish list? That’s about as close as you’ll get. It takes years to gain perms and as has been said, a hunting shooting forum might not be a great place to start asking. Jok.
  24. Galactic Olives. What ever next? Jok.
  25. Well something you guys don’t seem to bother with. Good old fashioned faggots. It must be one of our oldest dishes. I do my own herb mix which goes down well with the locals. Not only that but apple pies with my own pastry. Very nice guys.jok.
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