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Everything posted by jok

  1. jok


    Well guys unfortunately we lost. To be fair it was and still is a hell of a spectacle. I love this sport. Jok.
  2. jok


    Mart. If you can’t access send me your mobile and we’ll give the link. Or give me a ring 07967 180399. Jok
  3. jok


    Mart. This is the link. Access Denied HITMANFIGHTLEAGUE.TV The gym is First Legion and the main card is Charlie O’Neill jok
  4. jok


    I am live streaming a fight night,tonight, from Manchester. My daughter married the owner of an mma gym in Leicester and they are sending quite a few fighters including one for a title. Looking forward to it. Jok.
  5. jok


    What discipline do you fight?jok.
  6. Think there was 350 at that one. That marquee is on the Ashby rugby club 1st pitch. Jok.
  7. No pal. It was of my own. Marquee Solutions. Jok.
  8. One of my do’s. Jok.
  9. Slightly off topic but same era. Catching pheasants underground? I had a perm on the side of a big shoot but to get caught was unthinkable. However. Laying down a grain of wheat, about every foot or so into a rabbit hole was enough to get the bird to follow the food. Now, a pheasant can’t walk backwards especially out of a hole so it was fairly easy to just go and collect. We did have quite a number of birds. Jok.
  10. jok


    Thank you gentlemen. It is appreciated. Jok.
  11. jok


    I’ve just googled it and there a few flying centres in Staffs. Jok.
  12. jok


    I’m good DC. Just got my letter go in on the 19thfor, with luck, catheter removal. Another look at the prostate and hopefully good to go.jok.
  13. At the risk of repeating myself. Whilst there we met up with some marines based not far from Malaz. A Canadian guy invited us to their compound, about 90 kliks, for a Ramadan drink. When we got there everyone was in arty mood drinking G&T’s and having a good time. We were given a table which had a water pitcher and glasses which we didn’t find amusing. Thing was the pitcher was full of Gordon’s gin so all ended well. Jok.
  14. Spent a lot of time in the Middle East. Most of Ramadan pissed as a newt. Jok.
  15. I’ve been giving this some thought and have a possible. Some years ago, on new ground, netted around 20 holes along a ripped out hedgerow. Put a box at either end and dropped well experienced ferrets, again at each end. Within minutes I had one of them running and screaming like a banshee. I took off after her caught her but by heck she wasn’t happy. Back to the warren. 2nd ferret had moved to where the 1st had bolted and I ended up digging. Vixen with cubs. I suppose that would put a ferret off. Jok.
  16. Did you just wake up from a deep sleep? Jok.
  17. Congratulations pal. Jok.
  18. jok


    I’m still laughing now after posting that. Just been down the pub and they love me for being what I am. Thing is, it hurts like hell but on ly burns when a pint needs coming out. Somewhere on here I read about a birthday party and the miracle of needing a wee. Good luck to that one. I just need to empty the bag. Jok.
  19. jok


    Well. Had to into A@E last Friday. 7 hours later I had had a substantial amount of work including the dreaded catheter and a bladder flush. All in all not one of the most pleasant of days. The lovely one, thoughtful as ever, decided I needed cheering up so bought me a book.
  20. jok


    Well. Had to into A@E last Friday. 7 hours later I had had a substantial amount of work including the dreaded catheter and a bladder flush. All in all not one of the most pleasant of days. The lovely one, thoughtful as ever, decided I needed cheering up so bought me a book.
  21. Not to forget point to point and cross country and of course pigeon racing. I’m not going to be able to organise a ferret race down the pub either. What about the cheese roll and the Atherstone Ball Game? What are migrants and politicians good at once everything else is banned? Jok.
  22. So that’s what a rabbit looks like. Well done pal. Jok.
  23. Was having this conversation earlier today . I’m fairly sure that there is a Royal decree, still in place, which allows natural access to the foreshore. By natural I mean non trespass. Many years ago we used a burn up by Newton Stewart to gain access. Might be wrong. Jok.
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