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About GaryC

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    UK - Wilts

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  1. Could I just add 1 caveat. I am talking about diablo pellets at subsonic speeds. Pellets need to be stable in flight to achieve grouping at distance, so you may get a situation where you have a hollow point that's good to 20-25 but goes unstable afterwards, or a diablo running at 1100 fps that's good to 45 yards. Pellet on pellet with a perfect set up at 14 should be good at 35, but it's theory. I think we'd all agree that if you can get quarry out to 35 you can zero at 30/35 before shooting
  2. As PM says, cant is an issue as it's also an angular measurement. If you have a 2" high scope on a rifle held on its side and zeroed at 15, (which of course you wouldn't but go with it) at 15 yards you'd be spot on. At 30 yards you'd be 2" off on the horizontal. You'd never have your gun on its side, but any angle you do have then this will tend towards this effect. Cant occurs in 2 ways, one is as PM says where you mismatch vertical x hair and ret, but shoot correctly, the other way is where you line ret and action up perfectly and lean the gun when you shoot, To give you an idea how
  3. Yes is the simple answer! Pellet grouping is simply an angular measurement, if you achieve (for example) a 10mm group at 10 yards it will be 20mm at 20 yards, 30mm at 30 and so on. Therefore look at the group you want at 35 yards - say 1/2" - and if you are not getting pellet on pellet at 14 you won't get this. If you DO get pellet on pellet then as Pianoman says you have a contender. It doesn't mean that pellet will work, for instance it could be 28 grains and flying like a mortar, but you have established that it is good in your barrel. Equally they could become unstable with distance
  4. Hi All. Many thanks for the welcome, it is appreciated. My sincere apologies for a late reply, I hadn't realised I had caused any interest I'd expected a direct contact and hadn't noticed mails from here telling me I'd had a reply. SAM kindly pinged me and pointed it out and I've come straight on and I am gratified that you have taken the time to give Daystate a flaming :-), my spam filter is changed and I'll be watching in future. Anger and passion make my job so much easier, apathy makes it impossible. All I can say is that I both sympathise and agree with you, there is something
  5. Not strictly speaking a lurcher is it? IIRC a lurcher is a Greyhound x working dog, a Longdog is a sight hound x sighthound. Or am I wrong?
  6. Hi All Gary Cooper, Gary C, from MTC Optics here. No longer own MTC so now able to do a bit of shooting again hopefully I'm still doing a bit for the new owners so any scope queries or problems please feel free to ping me a question. (On behalf of the Daystate MD ) I'd like to know of any Daystate problems, he is personally determined to investigate any quality issues that are perceived to be cropping up. As a first step I am trying to contact Pianoman if anybody can help please? Nice forum, thanks for letting me join
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