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Everything posted by Argon66

  1. I'm not sure I agree. I don't think that laws are decided in regard to how well they can be enforced by the police , rather the other way round! But if that was in fact the case then it is plain that the police currently have enough officers to pursue illegal coursers so why is that going to change? Likewise, they can currently provide what they consider to be sufficient men to watch every hunt and once again, why should that change? Just get writing to your mp, do what you can. You say you want to work all your dogs, well do your bit pal, don't just say it will never happen try your best
  2. I think the Queens speech deals with Bills to be put forward by Ministers for this parliament. I may be wrong but I was given to understand that the Motion for Repeal would be put forward in the Parliament by a Conservative Backbencher and then it would be debated in Government time and a vote would take place. The simplest way is to again E-mail the various MP,,s from either camp and ask them when it will be debated. Keep the pressure on them as a promise that they will not be allowed to break. Lobbied my Tory MP whom I know is pro hunting, that's why I voted for him!
  3. They've tried, but it doesn't seem like you have ,you don't do politics? The C/A are asking every member to lobby their MP's and someone.s provided a link on here too, but you sit on your bum and do nothing but whine.
  4. I'm in Kent mate, I use The Dog Food Company from Bury St Edmunds , they deliver as far down as Ashford every month you can google their price list. Here it is. http://www.thedogfoodcompany.co.uk/contact_us.html Whereabouts in Kent are you?
  5. Members of the C/A are being asked to lobby their MP's about repealing the ban I've done so and anyone who wants a return to the old status quos should do so imo.
  6. I know what you mean mate, but I heard from a farmer not so long ago that the annual hare shoot last year at Sandringham accounted for about 900 hares, it made me wonder how many other estates have mass slaughter of hares like this going on, I've never been involved with legal organised coursing, but I always liked the way the coursing club maintained and protected the hare population with fairness and more importantly a true sporting chance for the quarryhare drives aint nothing new mate, u dont have to be part of a club to respect quarry and land either, as for a sporting chance, well a mans
  7. He didn't regret taking the £1000.000 from the IWWF though did he? Whether Cameron is successful or not ,the fact remains his party is the only one that promised a free vote on it,something he couldn't swing with the coalition,let's let the dust settle and see if he keeps his word.
  8. i don't need impress no one mate.. I've had him from 5 weeks and worked him all his life... Does any job asked of him Nice type of bully and refreshing not to have all the usual cobblers. As to marks on a dog if it hasnt got any it hasn't seen much imo.
  9. Mobile phones and "concerned public" are the bane of those of us that occasionally go "off piste"
  10. I know where there is a dog who has, Fred xEve x Foxy xJoe/SeagullxCharlie /Snowy xJack x MeganxTaz with another dose of CharlieXLady and Wilbur's Burt in the mix.That's good enough blood for me if I was looking which I'm not.
  11. Common sense really I have a big black dog that as a pup never wanted to jump back in the 4x4 as he knew it was the end of the outing ,lost my temper with him once stupidly shouting at him after that he circled the car each time it was home time..I had to carry a couple of chew sticks as a bribe , he got over it eventually .
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