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Everything posted by jars

  1. My first terrier which I still have now is about 8 yrs old has been a real test of patients and learning curve in many situations in the field. Shes only small and has copped some good floggings over the years so she can sit back in a tube a bit, say 4 ft. She's also very stubborn if she's in a deep den she might stay all day /over night as she got older she will come out after about 8 hrs. In diggable dens I've learnt to read her and dig ahead of her and usually dig to the fox in a stop. If I'm on her and the fox is 3-4 ft further in I'll pull her out and wait for the fox to come forward to
  2. I've got my new set from e collar technologies USA being sent ATM. I always keep them on for emergencies ie. Dog heading near a road or crossing paths with a big buck marker roo as happened earlier this winter. All the older trained/ experienced dogs froze..my youngest bitch was about to be torn to bits until I gave her a quick hit with the collar and she came straight back to my side. I have a mate that uses this unit from e collar tech and its unreal watching him direct his dogs. I can direct mine with hand signals and whistle but the collars advantage is silent. With the added safety securi
  3. A lot of fellas use Ibizan crosses for fox dogs here in oz. A good mate has a couple of half crosses they're top dogs, they catch him foxes in hard country every wk 12 months of the year. Great hunters and awesome endurance.
  4. Run em solo,double,triple,quadruple...who cares as long as there putting foxes on the deck! Solo isn't usually enough how I hunt
  5. I've got one that snapped his acl and broke his knee last winter. Took him very slowly and gave the joint a course of cortisone. I've had hun out hunting this season. Hes getting better as the muscle comes back. He still carries the leg but uses it to run jump twist and turn no worries. He's been too good a dog to pts
  6. I ran a dog on a couple of foxes with the clulight on the WK end. Not bad but hard to keep on a turning fox out a bit as beam is so tight. Only first time out with it so might get used to it yet. Would be great for Bunny's.
  7. I like the idea of this cross..I just wonder if it would keep a sharp eye for game breaking at fair distance. I've a dog in my pack that ticks most boxes but its quality eyes that he lacks. Not so bad as the other 3 dogs spot up like sighthounds should.
  8. Nice read that. I took my clulite out had it going for 10 mins turned it of walked up to a nice paddock for rabbits..turned it on spotted a bunny, just walking the my young bitch up to it and the light went out and hasn't worked since. Checked power to leads going into the globe and its there so guessing its the globe. I'll send it back to England and see if they can fix it. Shame as I'm going foxing this WK and was looking forward to giving it a good test. ah well looks like I'll be lugging a battery around again!
  9. Had mine arrive today, dead flat so won't be able to test it yet. Nice solid lamp, super light weight, will be good to run with on a fox course if need be.
  10. That's the only prob with the real good bull xes some don't respect solid objects, lost a ripper a few years back in his prime too a tree in day light, he was still freshly scarred from a stump stack and another crash earlier that year that I didn't see. Lovely natured dog and smart, just too damned willing to put in the extra hard yard. Bye the way cracking bitch that. Cheers.
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