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Everything posted by exclusivepix

  1. hi , i am contacting you from Exclusivepix media a news agaency in the Uk , we are following up on the story that seems to be hitting the national press of giant rats that are being found in west yorkshire have you come acroos any with any images? or caught any? if so please do get in touch kind regards Nick York Exclusivepix Media
  2. Exclusivepix Media is UK based Photo news agency , we are following up on reports of "giants `rats" being reported in West Yorkshire and other areas we are also following up on Researchers that are studying a new breed of mutant rat which cannot be killed by conventional poison which have been found in 17 counties across Britain. if anyone has causght or has images of such a Rat , please contact us directly kind regards Nick York Exclusivepix Media http://exclusivepix.photoshelter.com nickyork@exclusivepix.co.uk
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