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About redquil

  • Rank
    Born Hunter

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    the north

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  1. Last one is a Border F[ne Art. Often on Ebay that one. Great time to buy them now as there prices have plummeted in recent years.
  2. Classic. I still love it as an old lad.
  3. Do not get a Ridgeline mate. Not worth a shackle. Ok for sitting out in or on quad. Fully water proof for a couple of month but after a few good tousings they are like a dish cloth. Take days to dry out and stink. As soon as you start walking in one you start sweating and end up soaking wet.Good in the wind but you have to get your under layer spot on. Take no notice of the knacker on YouTube save your cash . Ps the trousers are worse.
  4. To add to this. Any dog thief , any one knowingly dealing,kenneling,or even being in the same company as the scum should be named . Ostrised and blacklisted in the dog game. No allowance no exceptions.Never mind "He stole a dog 20 year since but he is ok now". There is more than one way to skin a cat. Torture them if it be known who they are. And I don't mean with violence though this would be preferable.
  5. The Belstone Fox Tarka The Otter n Debbie Does Dallas.
  6. Regarding the yearly booster. A while since in the Daily Mail I read there was 50 named vets claiming yearly boosters being uncalled for. I for one have never had yearly boosters to dogs after 1st jabs. Vets in short IMO are conmen. Vets are also supposed to offer a prescription for meds that are non urgent. How many do?
  7. Cracking bit of history there mate. Do you know when the last dogs were taken over there ? I believe Joe Mallon used to send dogs over there. Do any of you boys know when the last ones were?
  8. In these books there is a photo of two deerhounds taking a red deer and also pics and accounts of working Cairn Terriers . I read these about 40 year ago cracking books.He was one skilled countryman. Also an account of 11 foxes feeding on a carcass in a real hard winter.
  9. Find this dead interesting . Is what you are saying all info from your family Stiff or from books etc.? Get the pics up and anymore info.
  10. Am I JB? If nowt else you get a laugh on here haha ha its better than The League of Gentleman. Will the real JB please reveal himself.
  11. They have also been down the Eastcoast to the Farne Islands.
  12. The Jim Corrbett Omnibus ,Man-eaters of kumaon, The Temple Tiger and More man-eaters of Kumaon , and The Man-eating Leopard of Rudraprayag. All in one book cracking read and insight of a bygone era.We aint lived compared to men like him. A little off topic sorry.
  13. idiot women. I tend to collect the type who start off mint and gradually turn into idiots.
  14. If you look on the vast majority of drawings you will see the dogs are doubled up at the least. In Lea McNallys book Highland Year there is a photo of a stag being taken by two deerhounds. Late 60's or early 70's book but I think the photo was a lot earlier. Having said that were deerhounds also used for bringing down wounded deer for stalkers?
  15. So is it Blue Poll or Paul? Sure I heard Seaton Burn in Northumberland stated somewhere.And what I read was a long way before Breays era.I agree with what someone said before that it was most likely a local pit type.
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