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Everything posted by MrsElvin

  1. well after making a bit of a spanner out of myself due to pmt, it would seem my petition is a bit late, basc had a meeting with the politicians at thr houses of commons last week haha!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. OldTrapCollector


      I have never heard anyone who suffers with PMT describe themselves as a 'spanner' either ... just an observation

    3. OldTrapCollector


      Though dost protest too much MrsElvin

    4. walshie
  2. Mr muddler, I'm sure you signature won't be missed ?
  3. Hello, I know that I would get negative and positive feed back, you are all entitled to that, I can take it on my chin
  4. Look clearly you can all see even when I am flat on my face I don't give up, I have made a big impression and got my self well known regardless of it being good or bad, I didn't come on this site to make friends I came to make change, I have a gob as you all know so why should I not use it to get what I want for all of us lurcher and terrier owners and huntsmen. I respect you all even tho some of you are feckers because we have that one thing in common.. Hunting
  5. Look have something helpful to say or don't speak at all, you have all given more than your opinions on me and my life, now I'm asking for a different opinion on something more than petty banter your all blank for words.
  6. Well its not hard to make a new one with a title of making change, I will expect everyone who has commented will have a look, or i will assume they are anti's under cover.
  7. The majority of the laws a reasonable except when it comes down to hunting and dogs.
  8. No I'm not a traveller, I propose you all write letters what you would pike to say to the government and post them on her, I would be more then happy to send them out, I will create a petition that you can individually chooses to sign or not sign, I will be in contact. With basc and my local mp.
  9. I do enjoy myself especially when my son is old enough to be introduced to his first gun, first shoot, first night out lamping ect.
  10. See, your ignoring anything I say unless its something that you can use against me. Scottish bloke are you an anti? Clearly you don't want the sad state of hunting to improve.
  11. Why can you lot not put some interest into the main reason of this thread? I want to make change therefore we have something in common, putting the banter aside has anyone got and suggestions in regards to improving the governments views on hunting.
  12. The question is do I want to earn anything from you lot, it seems to me that the majority of you have little excitement in your lives so a little banter on here and your all over it like flies to poo.
  13. How is this relevant to a hunting thread. Also nope I meant todger (I know what it means)
  14. Clearly you don't know any 17 year olds who are practically 18. If you do wtf! They play with my little pony.
  15. How can I possibly respect people who judge before they know, I believe someone saying that rubbish about my husband is the sick one to even see it as wrong
  16. You can go get fecked. I told you kindly to tread lightly in that sector..
  17. I think calling my husband a sex offender is a bit to far and over the point of banter.
  18. I guess you know all the laws in that sector yes?
  19. If you are talking about a sex offenders register, I would tread lightly down that path as a woman who has been sexually abused.
  20. Yes I was married when I turned 16 it took 6 months to conceive our planned son I gave birth at 17 and in march in 18. You do the math.
  21. This is a great publicised post where all of you can snap the chance up of putting your views across, I personally do not think coursing should be illegal.
  22. Yes although irrelevant I was married when I had just turned 16. And I sure there are some Irish traverlers on here who will be getting slightly miffed of that you have now got something against young marriage and being young starting a family. Is this a load of old todgers envying my youthfulness?
  23. Feck sake I'm not trying to insult you all
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