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Everything posted by rabbitman1

  1. Yeah its a kubla pup cant wait ? has anyone got a pup from kubla
  2. Getting new pup on 11 jun 3/4 grey 1/4 collie
  3. Our bitch that was same age is pineing after him not nice
  4. No during the 24 hour monitoring time his stomach ruptured so that was it ☹
  5. Took him back to vets like they said and they put him down
  6. Have been to vets had antibiotic injection and anti sickness jab got to Monitor for 24 hours if don't improve got to have x-ray
  7. Sounds like Darth Vader breathing
  8. He vomited bile twice yesterday and had a liquid sh*t this morning
  9. Hi I think my lurcher has eaten a large bit of bone,he hasn't eaten for 2 days and has now stopped drinking and I cant get him into a vets till tomorrow any advice ?
  10. happens 3pm Thursday crime reference number 05022015-302
  11. Stolen from castle mall Norwich when went in mothercare to change sons nappie
  12. don't think you'd get much if you went every night lol
  13. Can be hard but rewarding if you have good employer
  14. ?? You might do but for us lurcher folk that will be hard lol????
  15. Difference is keepers get paid and tipped
  16. I'll still get your signature even if a am a keeper lol
  17. Funny guys takin the piss hope it made you feel big
  18. Fact off the matter is a petition will be going up in a day or two up to you what you do when it does
  19. How can you say don't care bout son the whole reason dogs got tied up was to sort his nappie out
  20. What happened with the complaint?,did they make any attempt at trying to dissuade you?.Its hard to get to a Sargeant on the desks now,the majority are manned by civvies who are educated to give you the run around.was making a complaint so the sergeant called us to try and stop us from doing so. They don,t like Official Complaints it goes on to many of their stats and takes up another forces time,don,t let them dissuade you and ignore the children that seek to get their point over by insulting a mans wife,shows their upbringing and true character.sounds to me they were dragged up not brought u
  21. So you have never gone out and unexpectedly had to pop into a shop
  22. She only said that because people making out she don't look after her dog
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