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Everything posted by Nicepix

  1. Sense of duty, not Call of Duty.
  2. If you have time look up some of the charities listed at random and go through their accounts. It is scandalous what some get away with. For instance there was a charity that took kids fishing. The five trustees obtained money from grants and donations. Each year they took five kids fishing, twice year. Every year in turn one of the trustees got a brand new L200. Another managed the money left over 100 years ago to a charity. All they did was issue a couple of medals for life saving each year and had a pi$$ up on the interest the lump sum provided. Another was a hedgehog charity that got £200k
  3. Many charities are doing the work the Government should be attending to; lifeboats, guide dogs, cancer research and old folk's welfare for example. I stopped donating to the RNLI when it became a faxi service for immigrants. But, before then and before the woke brigade took over it was a well run charity. But why should a professional mariner rely on volunteers to save his skin? That should be the Coastguards job. Same with the other examples. The Government should be doing the work of the charity. Then there are anomolies in that ballet dancers and orchestras have charities looking after
  4. Before giving to any charity it is a good idea to look up how they distribute the money they receive and how much the directors are paid. Just go onto the Charities Commission website, search for the charity then look up their accounts. You'll be amazed at how little finds its way into the cause the charity is set up to help. And how much the directors are paid.
  5. Charity does begin at home. Just look up the accounts of the charity and odds on the directors will be getting a fortune in wages and expenses.
  6. Nicepix

    At last

    The first day I arrived in France was -20C overnight. There was over a foot of snow and it didn't get above -8C for 2 weeks and that was in full sun. Minus 25C towards the latter end at night. The 2 bedroom cottage I had rented had one 4kw log burner and no logs. I managed to scrounge half a cube later on. The gas bottle had frozen as had the water. When I took the dog out for a walk round the fields there were dead birds everywhere, lapwings, pigeons, partridge. I had to cook on top of the log burner, buy water in 5 litre bottles to warm up on the stove to wash in and bought a couple of elec
  7. Yep. Same in all the public services. Meanwhile in France you get a letter in French, speak to receptionists in French and if you don't speak French they ask you to come with a French speaker. Onus is on you, not the State.
  8. Can't we sacrifice Sterling? Give us something extra to play for. Socks - over to you.
  9. Crypto currency investor has a bad few days. Sam Bankman-Fried: This crypto entrepreneur saw his £21bn empire crumble in just three days - what happened at FTX? NEWS.SKY.COM No longer a billionaire, Sam Bankman-Fried says his net worth has dwindled to $100,000 (£80,000) following FTX's demise - and he admitted it has been a "bad...
  10. No, I have questioned his hypocricy. He has claimed to be a follower of Jesus which he may well be. But he does not always express opinions consistent with what that means.
  11. I was talking about hypocrisy Francie. A good man of God does not make things up about people with differing views to his own. Turn the other cheek and all that.
  12. I do wonder why people who are so determined not to believe in the possibility of big cats loose in the UK are equally determined to continue to deride those who do. Why is it so important to continually impress an opinion that cannot actually be proved? I don't believe in God, but I respect the right of others to believe and I can't prove that I'm right in my opinion. So I avoid commenting on religious posts. The best you can say is that you have not seen proof or that you don't believe the evidence collected by those looking for for big cats.
  13. Its like I said the other day; an air gun pest control is bottom of the pile. All you could realistically hope for is a bit of ratting on a chicken or pig farm, maybe feral pigeons around barns on a cereal farm. People on here are not likely to share their permission with a stranger just because he wants to shoot. Try asking on a farming or small holder forum or call round some allotments and ask those with chickens if they have a rat problem. Or, as I suggested, do a bit of beating. That might open a door for you.
  14. Whilever Parliament is full of lawyers the system will not change.
  15. Phew! I thought that you were advocating us all going out and pupping as many single mums as we could to get the white population up.
  16. WILF is right in that the bar was lowered in order to employ or promote the non white, hetrosexual, able bodied, males. So years later we now have senior manages in all our public servicss who should bever have got their foot on the first rung of the ladder.
  17. In my view the reasons for the cover ups and two tier system is caused bg managers in public services including police, education and health being pressurised by politicians to adopt a system of 'diversity' that is actually positive discrimination against the indiginous population and also against males, hetrosexuals and able bodied people. I saw it myself in SYP and since retirement have spoken to teachers, medical staff, fire officers and their experiences echo mine. It came out in the recent RAF recruitment row that has suddenly gone quiet. There has been an organised policy encouraged by
  18. And that is the crux. There isn't enough incentive to entice those on guaranteed benefits into work.
  19. Out on my regular route yesterday. Haute Vienne looking over Dordogneshire Trees are still holding onto their leaves. Today another regular route taking me into the Vienne. Three legged trap site set last time paid off. Another garden has 120 metres of river bank that keeps me busy
  20. I don't think it will be in any contract, just a quiet word. And, to be fair, it probably wouldn't be those who deal with cones, etc. In South Yorks they sent the Enviromental Health arm of the Highways Dept for small animals or the knackerman if the animal was too big for them. But, as you say, it hasn't been an issue yet. I don't know where the men in black came from, but imo that is nonsense.
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