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Everything posted by Nicepix

  1. It is likely me, so if there is any helpful hints you guys have, please feel free to share. I have two types of traps that people say are good...so I should see some results. thanks It might help if you explained how, what and where you placed the traps. Also, are the moles by-passing the traps, are they filling them and going over the top, that sort of detail will help to identify the problem.
  2. I thought that American moles were smaller than European ones? That's why Steve Alba sends larger versions of Traplines over here. The Duffus traps might not be suitable and it is a lot of money to waste if they don't work. And to be honest, if the OP can't trap any moles using the traps he has used it points towards technique, not the type of trap that is in question.
  3. So I keep getting told, I just can't fancy em , too much like a rat for me, should be more open minded I guess doing what I do. Get a few big bucks and take the back legs off them and slice off the saddles. Chuck the rest unless you like making stews and broths from carcases.They are a pain to skin, but the meat is well worth it.
  4. In this area we are absolutely inundated with them. Everyone is saying that it is by far the worst year for wasps. You can't have a BBQ without attracting hundreds of the bleeders. We were at a small outdoor restaurant yesterday evening that had six wasp traps situated around the perimeter and they were all doing good business.
  5. Like riding a bike. You'll soon be setting them blindfold.
  6. Still struggling on. Had another job similar to last week's one where there was no new activity and little to show where the moles might be hiding from the sun. All the garden was bone dry and the bottom of the tunnels dusty and full of fallen stones. Managed to winkle two out though. One from alongside a flower bed and another from a run coming from under the shed. Nothing on the books for next week and if that stays the same it will be my first week without work in over two years. I've still got my contract work and I'll hopefully make up for it once the rains arrive.
  7. The grubs and the nests make good chub bait. I used to dig them out when I was a teenager. We used smoke tablets placed at the entrance to the nest and covered with a clod of earth. Left it for an hour then dug the whole lot out.
  8. I wasn't aware of the significance. I'm only licensed for moles BTW: If Moletrapper is reading this I've just had an enquiry from a guy inundated with mice. If he wants the job while he's over here on holiday I'll pass on the details.Usual 15% commission applies.
  9. No bodies, no droppings, no insect flight line and no scampering of feet when I lifted the cover. Given that we only hear it in the morning when I've opened the garage door and there are one or two holes in various parts of the false ceiling I reckon that Arnie's on the button.
  10. I reckon that was it. Top marks to that man.
  11. Hope so. It might clear the dust and fluff.
  12. It appears to have solved itself for the time being. After moving one of the ceiling boards to be able to observe the area we haven't heard a thing.
  13. Thanks. But there is no cavity. Solid concrete walls in the basement. I've moved a ceiling board so I can observe from a distance and nothing at all has moved this morning. I'm going to put a camera up tomorrow to see if anything is moving up there.
  14. And the floorboards just above Thanks. But no thanks. I'll set up a camera.
  15. Cheeky! (I hope that you still charged her?) Little Wife first heard it. Not surprising as I'm as deaf as a post due to shotgun related hearing loss. The house is built on a full size basement with concrete and stone walls. The false ceiling is suspended by wires and all water pipes are fastened to the walls. There are none near to where the noise comes from which is adjoining one of the walls. If it were beetles or wood burrowing thingies I would expect to see wood dust and holes. There isn't any debris like that. No mouse droppings, no nest or chewed wires, nothing. It usually happens
  16. I'm only licenced for moles and other than spraying ants and the like I've never involved myself with other forms of pest control. We have a basement with a suspended ceiling. The void is about 30cm high and above that are beams and floorboards. Over the last few days there has been a rustling noise coming from one area close to one of the concrete dividing walls. It sounds like scurrying but is static in location. I tried surprising it by quickly lifting one of the ceiling boards but saw nothing. I've tried sneaking up on it and again, the noise stopped but there was no sound of anything esca
  17. Write down the names: 'Gamm Vert' (the garden centre chain) and 'Lucifer' (the manufacturers of the traps) They do two traps with triggers and a setting device on a blister pack card for around €5 - €6.The price varies from shop to shop for some strange reason. Then you need some thin, strong twine to secure the trigger to the trap. I use 8olb fishing braid, but builder's twine is OK. Leave them out overnight while set and any that have gone off in the morning might need tweaking. The most common reason for this is not being placed square or misaligned triggers.....
  18. I'm using little else at the moment. Just them and a few Duffus if I can carve a clean hole out of the baked soil. I'll be coming over in November so let me know if you want any. The price is on the other thread and postage will be at cost.
  19. Got a call from a woman today who's friend had recommended me: "How big is your garden?" "Don't know the square metres." "Well is it as big as a football pitch?" "They always say that on TV and I don't know how big a football pitch is." "Well, they always relate deserts and jungles to the size of Wales don't they?" "It's definitely not as big as Wales." "That'll be €150 then." "OK, that's fine." Don't you just love them?
  20. Unfortunately the Meteo is showing 23C and thunderstorms for three days from next Thursday. http://www.meteofrance.com/previsions-meteo-france/rennes/35000
  21. This is always the dilemma when you try to mix business with sport. If he wants them gone then clear them and look for sport elsewhere. Or he'll get somebody else in to do your job.
  22. I usually have some tackle on the van and over here you can fish any river and many public lakes as long as you have a rod licence. No need for day tickets or club memberships. If I've got an hour to spare I'll stop off at a river and try my luck, give my dog a walk and have a spot of lunch. It's a hard life, but I don't complain - much
  23. Still hot and dry and while the work has slowed down I'm still working on new jobs every week. We haven't had any rain for almost a month and the temp' has never been less than 30C. Started a job on Monday in a 6,500m2 open expanse of a garden that had quite a bit of historic activity, but most of the tumps were stale and had obviously been made prior to the last rain a month ago. My heart sank as I'd travelled almost an hour and a half to the job and the fee reflected this. Everything was a dry as a witch's fanny until I got right to the bottom of the garden where there was an old, well-estab
  24. I keep a diary and I've found that in January and July I get more difficult moles than at other times. I've picked up two from the traps today in separate gardens that had gone under several Duffus traps. I get more filled traps and hand caught moles in these two months than all the other months combined. Probably down to a combination of it being breeding time and them being more confined due to the extreme hot and cold conditions that we get.
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