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Everything posted by Nicepix

  1. You will find that in the UK its illegal to drop them in a bucket of water..................... and drown them That might be the case, but seeing he lives in France he doesnt need to obey UK laws, or am i missing something here. The bit that you seem to be missing is that we are talking about a customer asking for advice. Not everyone wants to or s willing to deal with a cage full of rats.
  2. Yes, you can get those. As I said before, the customer isn't a trapping man. The problem with that type of trap is dealing with the live occupants once you've trapped them. I think that he would prefer to take out one dead rat from a trap than find a cage full of live ones.
  3. Thanks, I'll pass that on and PM you for your phone number if he wants any. Ratbuster; I don't know what you are looking at. The URL just brings up a selection and none of those would be anything I'd use let alone recommend. The type of traps a pest control pro' would be happy with isn't always the same as something us amateurs would feel comfortable with. I only do moles and have dealt with rats using air rifles, never traps. The guy pays me to trap moles and I'm just trying to help him out without my getting too involved. Thanks anyway.
  4. There are none on there that I would use. Locally and online from French suppliers the only traps supplied are scaled up versions of the 'Little Nipper' i.e. those wooden base ones. Certainly not as user friendly as the T-Rex type mentioned above. Thanks anyway.
  5. Thanks for that advice. I have already suggested emptying the compost as I've had quite a few customers with rats over wintering in compost bins. I've been emptying ours in October. The rat trap and box solution looks ideal. I'll give him a ring tonight and let him have the details. I'm not really wanting to get involved in rat trapping and I know sod all about it, but I would like to be able to at least offer some decent advice. Thanks again.
  6. Thanks. They look ideal, but shipping costs to France would make them quite expensive.
  7. One of my mole trapping clients has phoned today about a rat problem. Basically they have three compost bins near to their veg' plot and a chicken run adjacent. Rats have recently moved in to the compost bins and are raiding the chicken coop. They don't want to use poison and they have an inquisitive dog that hosts a couple of friends from a nearby farm. I have suggested that a couple of traps in boxes would be their best option, one inside the fenced off veg' plot and one inside the chicken coop. I have a couple of Mk. IV type traps that a friend gave me, but they frighten the sh1t out of me
  8. I do the same with mine. The problem is that it adds strain onto the trigger latch. If they were made at that width, as they were until a couple of years back they would work more smoothly.
  9. Just had a thought. It might actually be a bunny in Realtree camo'.
  10. I'm coming across mid November. Any chance of being able to buy a few samples?
  11. There was some discussion earlier in the year about some new, improved Duffus traps being brought out this summer. I'm looking to buy some more traps in the next couple of months and would be interested in looking at any of them.
  12. Yes, he should bough out now. Then again; Sticks and stones...........................
  13. I'd report it to the police. They have a department for this sort of thing called Special Branch.
  14. Have you thought of branching out into other activities?
  15. Still struggling on out here. We've had a couple of good downpours that have revitalised the grass but the moles are still not venturing out into the open areas except where there is a lot of shade or a source of moisture. Most of the jobs are to catch moles that are occasionally running into gardens from overgrown areas. I just set Putanges and leave them for a few days. I did one new job last week where the septic tank was creating an area of humidity in the middle of the garden but the mole was running very deep in gritty. soil. When I eventually got him he had the biggest hands I've e
  16. Moles aren't protected and mole trapping is not going to affect any of the protected species so you can trap there IMO.
  17. It's the ones who follow you around pointing out the freshest molehills and can't understand why you don't put your traps right next to them. As though the mole has only moved a few feet. And then when you pull a mole out of a trap along a path or fence line thirty metres away they don't believe its the same one that made the molehills. But as long as they pay and keep calling me back I'll put up with them.
  18. Got me a mole today! It was pretty ripe...so maybe have been a few days old. It got caught right in neck. Quick death ensued. Great stuff! I'll have my invoice in the post later today. You will get paid when I get the rest of the family Lots of work left to do yet! Bloody customers! Same the world over. Never happy to pay
  19. Got me a mole today! It was pretty ripe...so maybe have been a few days old. It got caught right in neck. Quick death ensued. Great stuff! I'll have my invoice in the post later today.
  20. Picked one up in a Putange the other day........ That's three this year; one in each of Putange, Duffus and Talpex type traps.
  21. Over here all sorts of things take over vacant mole tunnels; voles, mice, rats and reptiles such as snakes and toads. Also small predators such as weasels go through the tunnels looking for a meal. If there are open holes then chances are it is not moles who are resident.
  22. I'd suggest that it might not be moles in those tunnels. Rodents perhaps?
  23. Even if there is no new tunnelling the mole(s) are likely to be travelling along older tunnels. I have just looked at the instructions on the NoMol site. In my opinion the triggers are set way too far back. With the larger European moles and the triggers set 1" (25mm) from the prongs as I suggest the mole is usually caught just behind the head in the shoulder area. I would imagine that if I set the triggers as per the NoMol instructions there would be a good chance of the trap missing the mole or getting a very back end capture. I would also get rid of the chain and replace it wit
  24. Its a good thing to set traps along a line of demarcation whether that is under a fence, along a flower border or alongside a patio as moles regularly make commuting tunnels in those places so you are onto a good start. Once you have found the tunnel and ensured that you have the alignment right, carefully open it up like you were doing surgery, not landscape gardening. Use a knife or sharp flat trowel if the soil is soft enough, or a small sharp spade if not. Only open enough for one trap length and don't dog deeper than the level of the tunnel floor. Carefully open up the hole and use a
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