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Everything posted by digger101

  1. what mod are you useing i bet they have a right crack to them at that speed ive herd about barrel burn aswell is it bollocks or what cheers t3
  2. does any body have a 204 cal thinking of getting one. i now they flat shoot but two what distance and how much is the ammo are they any good like the sako 85 what sort of money are they any help greatfully acepted thanks
  3. your getting robbed mate £16.oo 100 at york guns cci spear heads £18.00 100 call them robbing b*****ds and find another shop what riffle you useing
  4. called 4 cubs in last night about 50ft from the earth use a 17hmr one came 2 about 8 feet did not shoot going back at the weekend with the 12g semiauto i did not want 2 shoot 1 and educate the other 3 i will try to take 3 and leave one educated unless my mate comes two used the ucalller on dog fox call and a wham fox call keep you posted great shootin tho well done
  5. noyouhavent up set me mate im takin the piss i just think mad eye is funny and his dad is a good dog i will tell you how he turns out in 15 months time my patterdale bitch is a cracking dog just got one scar on her nose from been to keen she has learnt now tho great dog what are you workin foxtrack ?
  6. he looks keen as f-ck and a strong dog wats he lookin at mate
  7. nice pup mate and with mad eye he's sure to work he's 7week old and out of both working parents he's dads got lots of battle scars and mad eye from your neck of the woods foxtrack already teaseing him with the old charlie tail and stands his ground with are lasses pussy the four legged one he is biteing his tail and the cat hits the ceiling
  8. hope you find the feckers that nicked them sounds like a p***y trick stick them in a hole cover them in fox piss and let about 40 terriers at them start a new sport dog napper bateing good look man
  9. reg the nutter he's got mad eye [bANNED TEXT] do you think of him
  10. pond rats shoot the feckin lot of them never scene them drowning ducklings but scene them eating duck eggs b*****ds shoot the feckers
  11. 17 every time sm11 sirocco mod better than sak have both for my sako quad stopped 6 foxes out to 120 yards no messing best round 17gr vmax cci spear heads shite the mod takes more of the crack off than the sak shot over 2000 rabbits in 12 months fantastic little round safe as well a lady got hit in the calf muscle round here from a ricoshae how ever you spell it they reckon from over a mile away thats my tupence worth good look and great hunting listen to snap shot he nows his shit man
  12. red lakeland terrier dog from proven parents wanted workers only good money for right dog may take older dog
  13. after a red lakey dog must be from proven stuff 100% working parents good money for the right dog
  14. cheers snap shot ive hit 6 foxes all in all in the last 12 months straight between the shoulders and had no runers one head shot it jumped about 2 feet not a wiggle call a lot more 2 rangers about 200 2 300 yards just would like 2 be able 2 take them out i think i will go for the 243 cos there is a few deer around as well [bANNED TEXT] will the 243 go out 2 and wich rifle and amo would you suggest is the t8 a good mody as well cheers for the advice [bANNED TEXT]
  15. well done [bANNED TEXT] shooting i have a 17hmr took out a few foxes with it no further than 120 yards i am wanting a bigger rifle [bANNED TEXT] cal would you recomend i like the border barrels varmint gun but dont now the calibre the scope i want is a night force 5.5x22x50 does any body have one and [bANNED TEXT] are they any good like wots the max range of a 223 thanks any advice well taken cheers just got a [NO TEXT TALK]ucaller are they any good
  16. good shooting under preshure [bANNED TEXT] boy that fox has some long legs on it :clapping: well done
  17. do you still have any left im after a dog if you have i will come 2 morrow i need post code and house number for sat nav i live in east yorkshire its a long way but looks worth it cheers
  18. does any body now of ant chocolate patterdales for sale from good working stock after a dog cheers
  19. have you tried the sirocco sm11 its quieter than the sak just takes the crack of a bit more than the sak i have both for my .17 hmr good hunting
  20. im thinking of getting one 2 herd good rports want one 4 my 17hmr
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