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huntmad 1

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About huntmad 1

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  1. This is just my way ive learned through trial an error both mine and other peoples,it works for me but im sure there are plenty of other ways boys use successfully.i think the trick is to minimise any handling mistakes before they happen,ive seen several people fail with redtails especially males ,trying to train them like a harris an piles o manning then flying to the fist repeatedly then they say the hawk wont hunt an is lazy,ive seen beautiful hawks ,natures hunting machines as usefull as budgies in their hands
  2. Hi david,personally i never rob an generally give full crops on single kills in a hawks first season,then il starve a day or two followed by a low value feed like washed meat to stretch the crop an receptors,on the third day il usually be back to normal out hunting or lure chases for fitness,i usually fly on split chicken necks asi find it easy to maintain weight an fitness on these supplemented with kills.i do fly at hares and use big lures or carcases to start hawks ,but i do find this more important for males aswell as harris or goshawks,i find with female redtails once the've a few kills a
  3. The senarios are like this,plant a dead rabbit in some cover an beat the cover gently have someone pull it out an il slip hawk on it,il do this even when still on creance as i believe this is better than just flying to the fist repeatedly until u trust it not to bugger off.too much to the fist creates problems.i do the same thing with a dead squirrel or lure,hide it at bottom of tree on a string an have someone pull it up the treetrunk as i slip hawk an give a cry ,really turns them on to looking up !for bushytails.i get good results doing this as it gives me nice quiet well adjusted hawks th
  4. Big mistake people make wi redtails is to man them straight outa the aviary when their weight is way to heavy an the weathers too warm,especially wi big females who have high fat reserves, the result is an unresponsive hawk that sits on the glove wings out aggressively gripping the glove,my usual routine with an eyess is roughly this,new hawk fresh out of pen,weigh it work out roughly were i think its going to respond at then i bow it out in a quiet spot where i can walk round it several times aday an it can see me an the dogs ferrets etc,this is gentle manning .il only weigh this bird once a
  5. Been flying redtails at everything now for 15 years,after flying harrises a gos and several spars,i think thats quite a hard job u took on an done really well,i loce redtails myself but fitness is everything with them an motovation comes from this an food,i think youd do really well with an eyess nxt year,just make sure its coming from a seclusion aviary as you dont want an imprint.well done [BANNED TEXT]
  6. Showing an not working is [BANNED TEXT] ruins lines of dogs and the kennel club in uk doesnt promote any terrier work,unlike the danish an continental kennel clubs.i think the nearest youd get to a working dandie would be a teckel an i think teckels had some dandie in them way back at the start of thier breed
  7. Hello everyone,just joined into all sorts of hunting,terriers ,ferreting,stalking and hawking,live in co antrim,beeen at it a long time an hope to be for a long time to come !
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