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Everything posted by freddybamboo

  1. Misfire was caused by injector being f'd up. Filter was minging and cylider 4 had a slight misfire too. I suspect some dirty fuel as drained the fuel tank and there was only a few particles. So most of the crap gubbed the filter and was taken in by the injectors
  2. Cracking thread. I can get ahold of plenty of salmon heads and other fish. how should I feed them raw/cooked, whole/minced? Can also get chicken and deer necks, how would you feed these?
  3. Mine have responded to watching older/more experienced dogs. Also find they prefer to jump solid objects rather than wire fences (regardless of height). If they eventually clear something after a few attempts i concntrate on that to boost their confidence, rather than continually failing at new obstacles all the time. GRUB usually helps too
  4. Dotty thats excellent, really looking forward to it. superb. I wish they were as still as that yesterday when then ran onto the golf course. TUT TUT
  5. had a quote for 1500 quid for a refrubd engine. Dunno wether I should go for a diesel engine instead, is this poss? Getting the compression test done tomorrow
  6. cheers gents. I'm in Glasgow. Will get compression test done asap
  7. Bought my Shogun two months ago and EML comes on a couple of weeks ago. Put into garage and returns code of misfiring cylinder 6. Replaced leads and coil pack but code still coming back. So after paying mechanic for this, he holds his hands up and says its too big a job for him as it seems to be the cylinder itself thats goosed. Anyone I have spoken to has been well worried, giving me crazy numbers to get it fixed. Any ideas on repair of this, I know it wont be a small job but hoping I dont need to get the balaclava to get the funds Ta
  8. Hi I sent you an email with some pics. They are too large for the forum and my gallery on here. Resting them just now as they have a couple of sprains. Will try and get some action shots this week. Any ideas about resizing the pics to fit on here?
  9. Pups are doing well, however the speed merchant has a bit of a limp at the mo, so taking it easy. Started their jumping lessons the other day. He is pretty ballsy and jumped a good 4 foot across a wee burn. Tried the return and ended up covered in muck. Measured him last night he is 27tts but quite slim, the other pup is an inch and a half shorter but 2.5 kilos heavier. Will hopefully get some snaps uploaded today
  10. Cheers folks. Will let them run as much as they like then.
  11. Hi I have two pups, first cross deer/grey. Approx 25 inch at the mo. I know they are slow growing, and they shouldnt be hammering it but as there are two they can run a fair whack by egging each other on. At the mo I am giving them two 20 minute of the lead walks a day, with a couple of short walks for toilet. Off the lead the will run for approx 60% of the time. How much is too much? They are pretty restless through the night if they get any less than this. Cheers
  12. Hi I took two of the dog pups from the same litter. Coming on good guns. Totally different structure on both, one a solid deerhound/chunky boned effort. The other is leaner more of the grey in him. What height is your pup at the mo? Will post some pics soon.
  13. Does anyone know if Dave Platts is a user of this forum, have been told he may have pups available?
  14. Are these a good indication of the responses I'm likely to get? Just wondering now whether the forum is littered with time wasting or not? Thanks for the PMs received so far though, very helpful.
  15. Hi New to the site, and returning to hunting in general. I've been looking for a couple of weeks for lurcher pups with good lines. I've been asking about and consensus so far is that everyone is breeding the size out of the dog, I had a beast of a deerhound x when I was young and I am looking for something similar. I will be ready to take the pups on in about 4-5 weeks, so trying to get the feelers out now for any litters coming up. Im looking for two dogs that will make it to at least 27 tts, that are fairly thick boned. so I'm after two boys with the potential to grow into it.
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