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Everything posted by freddybamboo

  1. I wouldnt crash him onto it. Would say do it over the coming weeks. Good combo of carbs and fat to add weight, but watch for the amount of sugar in breads etc. Eggs are good as they are loaded with fat and good protein. Otherwise if you know the Glasgow area get him over to the Parkhead Forge Shopping Mall, there are some enormous feckers in there. Im sure he would enjoy a Salad Supper with curry sauce from Greggs :sick:
  2. Is the situation with the Lurcher Carousel getting better or worse? I know alot of folks still just look at the dog as a tool, nothing more. I always thought that this was a pretty old school attitude, although when a dogs time is up and your in tears it would probably be better for your own preservation to be as clinical and objective as that. I was offered loads of dogs for free when I was looking at getting back into it all. Its amazing the amount of dogs that folks 'Cant Fault!' but dont want to keep anymore. I think for what its legal to take nowadays, and considering the age
  3. Im in too I think after 18 months the dogs should only be paired if its to coach a new pup etc I run my two together at the moment (well not at this moment as they are both burst), but will be stopping soon and going singles. I wouldnt say that its shooty in with more dogs, but it definately cuts down the preys chance. The way that the odds should be cut is by having a better equipped dog, not a squad
  4. The Pictish hunters and early Celts that used to inhabit scotland had a symbol like a swastika with the arms being made up of men. Four men spinning clockwise. They also hunted with the early ancestors of Deerhounds. (I dont think they were into Bull X's ) Its obviously not theirs, but a bit of a tenious link.
  5. How much can the Blue Bitch bench press???? Awesome looking dog mate.
  6. Cheers Again The one that does the biting is more nervous and takes a fair bit of coaxing to get him out by himself. The other one is fine on his own and with other dogs, more calm and higher prey drive. He wasnt the first to cock his leg but he does usually cover up the other ones scent. He seems more confident but is the first to shit himself when my voice or my hand gets raised. For his size he does well on rabbits. And has been invited out onto permissions for bigger stuff. I think its pointing more to him being the top of both. Will use your tips below to help make it a bit more d
  7. Skycat, the comment about the lack of excercise makes sense. The two of them have pretty bad injuries at the moment, both having different operations two weeks ago. No running for at least 2 more weeks. Even when I am running them daily they tend to go a bit Raj for Red, but I can defo see the pent up energy in them. I definitely wont be rehoming them as I dont agree with the old Lurcher carousel. I also dont want to work them on Red myself for a number of reasons, one being I dont like the tast I think its a good shout to split them up for the obedience training. I usually have t
  8. its all residential area, just roads and pavement. The big one that spots them first has popped his collar before and crunched one, bashed through a neighbours hedge and slat fence to get it at it. Ripped his front legs up and lost a couple of claws on the tarmac.
  9. My two first cross Deerhound/Grey brothers go for each other when they see a fox. Walking them at night on the street we come across a heap of foxes. I have never been one for working fox pre ban or otherwise. So i have no intention of slipping them. Plus the tarmac etc would tear their feet apart. Anyway as soon as one of them makes a lunge or barks the other one jumps on top of him and tries to rip the sh1t out of his back. They are 32" and around 38kg, and about 16 months old. One of them is more alert, eyesight sense of smell much better than the other, so he usually makes the
  10. Sue did you ever get pics of these pups? How are they getting on, will they surprise anyone and actually work?
  11. Mind and praise when the dog starts to ignore the stock. Mine froze/coiled up ready to pop for them, when I got his attention again it was all praise. That helped. As soon as he started to get intersted again, it was punishment again. Timing is the most important thing. His drive is pretty strong so takes a bit to beat old mother nature.
  12. Thanks for the reply alimac. Ws just surprised at how close they were to each other. And as I say the fact that one was so near the road. At least the big man had a chance to enjoy himself before he went Cant get enough of Etive, missed it as soon as I got home. Will head back up in a couple of weeks.
  13. Been watching Frosch for a few years now since he turned pro. Hasnt been the same since his first few fights. Body TKO's ribs cracking everywhere, a wee bit of riverdance. Dont know why he insists on dropping that hand for % of the fight. He can take a good dig, but shouldnt have to. Hope he up's his act when he takes Calzaghes belt (gets given it)
  14. Just back from a wee trip up to Glen Etive beside Glen Coe. Just headed up for piece and quiet and a bit of walking with the dog. Anyway, we were going to try one of the hills the following morning so thought we would head up for 15 minutes to see if it was possible with the dogs. We had only walked 5 minutes from the road and there was the carcass of a young stag with most of the saddle and haunches missing. Thought this was strange as the carcasses are usually taken. Next morning we headed up the hill and after an hour we were reaching a ridge, my dog bolted off and I could smell a
  15. there is another forum on here mate for shows. It doesnt get a lot of updates but would be worth keeping an eye on. http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/index.php?showforum=18
  16. stunning first pic Clipper. What size is the deerx?
  17. gotta be some bull in there. Good solid looking dog ATB
  18. Beauties! I think when they are ripped the sleek blue is the best for showing off. Not that, that matters though Does anyone associate other characteristics with the Blues? I have read that they were regarded as being 'gamer' than their litter mates. I know that from my first dog he and his brother were the only Blues and they were regarded as the better dogs. Think his Bro ended up in Benbecula or Uist
  19. Seen the similar posts with everyones dogs, brindles, blacks etc. I have always been a sucker for blues, most that I have seen have had collie in em. But saw some cracking Greyhounds total slate blue. If anyone has pics I would love to see em. Also is it true that to get more blue pups you have to through a brindle into the mix? (I have heard this is the breeding of Blue Pauls) Ta
  20. Sky Road in Cathkin used to have loads of lurchers, met an old boy last year with some fit looking dogs. Was only able to go for squirrels as there aint much around. Yeah there are the odd deer Ive heard of, aint seen one yet. Foxes, theres a leash of them down at the wee golf course, my two slipped their collars at 4 month and battled with a few. I wasnt chuffed when they came back with some chipped noses, they despise the buggers now. I have never known lurchers to be as noisy as these two when they see a fox. Stealth is out the window. Cant believe the changes there over the years.
  21. Ive always ran my dogs in the braes on the south side of Glasgow. Not many bunnies left now so just leaving them to it. Still its a great place regardless of quarry. Plenty of woodland, marsh, swamps, streams etc and thick brush. Anyway the braes was gifted to the people of glasgow by an old merchant, and the stipulation was that it should remain in its natural state. However recently there have been massive changes to it. Large areas of the woods have been chopped down, stretches of reeds and brush have been cleared. Does anyone have any experience of this in there area? Regardle
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