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About darkjack86

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  • Birthday 17/04/1986

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  • Gender
  • Location
    staffordshire england
  • Interests
    spending time in the wilderness, either working or just walking my dogs, three saluki/collie grey bitches, a whippet bitch, a pure saluki bitch and a collie grey x bull grey dog. Shooting, rifles, esp old rifles, Falconry, though l don't have a bird at mo. loads more, l wil come back to this

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  1. No, l wish l could claim credit here but it is a story l read online and l now cant find it again to credit the author, lt is a really beautiful story isn't it
  2. Oh dear. Something we have all had dogs fall victim to at one time or another l think, hope yours makes a speedy recovery
  3. Not a poem, just a short story l found somewhere and like : Since the days when the old gods still walked the earth, there have been Greyhounds. Even in those early days, they lived with men, and joined them on the hunt. They took delight in chasing the creatures of the field, the squirrels, the deer, and the hares, oh, especially the hares. Greyhounds and rabbits of all kinds have been adversaries since they were created, for the Greyhound was created to chase the hare, and the hare was created to run from the Greyhound. Greyhounds have always loved to run, and in those early days
  4. Condolences. Gutted for you mate
  5. After l'd been out lamping, walking back along the canal with the dog, shined my torch on a pile of old clothes floating a few feet from bank- then saw all this long, straggly grey hair and realised it was dead old woman face down in the water. Bit of a shock to put it mildly
  6. Not a brilliant pic, had to take on phone, my Saluki x bitch doing her 'rabbit dance' today, cuz she smells them undergrown (lots of burrows in this embankment Makes me laugh anyway. The dance dosent work though, l've tried it myself, farmer says l'm on my last warning (for the dancing thing) and next time he sees me doing it, he's getting the police involved lol
  7. What beautiful dogs, they look really good
  8. Love your pics, always make me smile Here is my 3/4 saluki bitch doing her 'rabbit dance' on a walk today, because she could smell them in their burrows not great pic, from my phone when l was shaking with mirth
  9. A lurcher of my dads, as he recounted the story to me, once grabbed and plucked a ladies off lead toy poodle. he let it go without hurting it, just bald as a coot. I know a guy who trained his dogs with a white bag 'lure' on a lure machine, he claims they will attack small white dogs, not sure if this is true.
  10. This guy. We've all heard of the 'runt' of the litter, this lad is the C**t of the litter. He has a lovely nature but he's thick as a brick, screams like he is being murdered over every little incident like having his lead put on, getting jostled by another dog, being out in the dark, being out in the rain, scared of his own shadow but... l've only just got him, he's only five months old and he has redeeming qualities, so there is hope ... I also once had a saluki bitch who was a brilliant daytime dog, rabbits, pheasents, she could catch wood pigeons if they flew too low over he
  11. Best bunny / all round bitch l've ever had
  12. My brother has a lab x lurcher, she was never a very bright prospect as a working dog, then at 12 months old developed a genetic thing called 'collapsing lab syndrome', which is pretty much just that, if she gets over excited she falls over and looses all co-ordination for about 5 minutes. lt dosent happen very often but it's unpleasant to watch and renders her useless as a working dog. l'd personally avoid anything with a high lab content.
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