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Everything posted by foxbolter

  1. Nicholas wake up your dreaming or you had very poor foxhounds
  2. Keep your little bonnet out now clowny and just you worry about what terrier your going to put in behind the other one
  3. At the end of the day riffles are going to end foxhunting and terrier work not the ban more and more knobs getting them. shooting dozens of foxes a night that really can't be missed with the gear used today . Remember a place cleaned out with a riffle this time of year won't get many digs on come August I'm clueless lol . It's not about permission it's about how it lifts your ego being a big man with a big gun lol
  4. Clueless lol let's just say I'd rather a shovel than a riffle. men who shoot 10 foxes a night that's clueless. when you ask for permission why mention a riffle don't own one no can't be asked to do it then Simple
  5. I know what he was trying to say lol foxhound has no desire to hunt trying to be clever. He should stick to playing with the little terrier like things he got
  6. A picture can also be made to be a setup . What I can't get my head around is how can they enjoy doing something like that. He obviously enjoyed it if I had to do something like that you would never hear me mention it he's taken photo because he's proud of himself and likes to show people how good he thinks he is.
  7. Well put your shot fox cubs In shooting section it turns me sick
  8. Well done fireman don't forget you can't shot them and dig them. Obviously you enjoy shooting them better than digging them or are you giving the keeper 1
  9. Crosshair you must have thought you was the big man making sure you got the gun in the photo what a f***ing knob you are. Always the farmer or gamekeeper asked me people like you piss me off why don't people grow a pair stand up and admit they love shooting foxes with rifle at night ? Is it because you know your in the wrong. sell the riffle then they can't ask you but saying that you won't get your fix then will you
  10. If somebody was to brake into your house and got bitten I'm pretty sure you could be liable for that and can be prosecuted. I think
  11. If the cubs can eat the dog fox will rear them if the vixen gets killed. didn't you know that foxdropper. Are u on drugs
  12. Forgot to say their also like me and father Christmas only come once a year
  13. Cubs are born earlier in warmer areas of the country they like kidney beans plants further up the pole in parts with more heat in the ground
  14. I wish I was a juvenile badger Neil nearly the whole of Britain trying to protect me. Could get luck and picked up by a eagle and get to fly with it at heights if it's talons haven't crushed me.
  15. Nicholas first part of post can sometimes be true but not always .intelligence and ruteen can make a hound become controllable. Hunting unchosen quarry is down to lack of intelligence by not being able to identify scent. Not a great sin to some but can be very dangerous on a hillside and fell with the odd sheep in presence . which rules out the pure harrier in many parts. The last piece of your post is load of crap .your fell hound for a start will drag a line that is a couple of hours old for a hour(nose? ) then rise it's quarry and hunt it down given off a cry that rings around a vast fell.
  16. Cusack I think u and a few have got the wrong impression of me. most of my hunting have been in the Welsh hills but enough lowland to know what it's all about. there was a topic on here the other day about how many packs you have been with I have been with 3 packs of beagles and with 22 foxhound packs that I can think of in Wales and about 8 in England and 6 in Ireland which some were harriers. some have been registered some were not some worth watching some not. I find I would learn something about hunting each time I hunt even with the bad packs you watch I'm out twice a week sometimes in
  17. Anyway people have ruined a go on here talking about beagles the thread supposed to be harrier or foxhound if you need to talk about beagles perhaps the bushing section would be more appropriate you can talk about terrier cross beagles then which would be even quicker in the cover for the knew Ireland with no open country
  18. Is he a producer of proven stock and is he of the same lines as the batch mole pmsl
  19. I know Bryan there must be a lot of cover in Ireland you want to get off it and see world . Welcome to the hunting life
  20. Many a man has said their Ok Lee take a bit of advice because you'll be sorry if one gets killed but their your dog's I suppose
  21. Only beagles are mixed with other breeds of hounds in Ireland don't know how good your foxhounds are but beagles would never keep up with the foxhounds in Wales or England in all parts of country
  22. This must only happen in Ireland harrier it wouldn't happen across the water from you for reasons I have mentioned I suppose there's harriers and harriers for a beagle to keep up with scratching my head when they start slowing down in age how slow it would then become
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