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Everything posted by foxbolter

  1. Many dogs fail to find in rocks because they sometimes have to drop down head first in between a crack in rocks sometimes dropping four or five feet in darkness . I can see where you are coming from hrp but I think it's harder to get a dog to do rock work than earth work . A fox in a good place in the rocks is a different animal than one in a earth expecially little vixens who can squeeze into some very awkward spots where a dog can only get its head. Also a dog can't dig it's way on in rocks so the size of the dog needs to be correct
  2. Technology moves on. Very little if any fell huntsmen wear them now they were always part of their uniform before probably good at the time better boots to be bought now for same or less monet in my opinion.
  3. Wm is a ped which I detest but I don't see any point in culling healthy pups without trying sourcing a good home first. When culling healthy pups how do you know that your not culling a good worker to be one day or the best dog you have tried to breed which is the reason we breed . Or do people cull on a fault system in the pups appearance because if that is the case a good working dog who never fails to do is job as no fault at all in my eyes . I think a lot of lads that cull do it so nobody outside they little circle has them because they don't want anyone to have their breeding which I f
  4. Guy won't ruin this thread you might take it down again nothing was aimed at you foxdropper if you leave me alone I can leave you alone let's stop being childish.
  5. Some bitches have a pup and could have the next 24 hours later as long as the bitch isn't in any stress for a long time leave her alone and leave nature run its course . a bitch is more likely to eat a pup because of being fussed too much . I've seen bitches have pups between 59 and 63 days which is normal but sometime earlier and sometimes over to 73 days that being 10 days over which i have seen everything was fine vet told me not to worry but anything later he would have injected her to bring her into labour. A bitch will tell you if something is wrong .vets should always be last resort b
  6. Rippem are you for real won't it be easier to put your fist down is throat and poke it's eyes out and bit is nose
  7. Bedlington X lakeland call him what you like he's a terrier and I bet he doesn't care he's happy
  8. I am a poacher all pheasants should be shot on the ground with a pellet gun or taken from pens
  9. Crosshair did she tell you as she was running off last time her name was Janice and when you caught her you found some I D on her
  10. Not into that shit naming people on here not my style and as for inviting you down I haven't got all day waiting for one of those things of yours creeping around a earth hoping they don't bump into anything I got better things to be doing.
  11. Foxdropper I'm not guy and never had a dog called magic you know nothing about me which I find very amusing. but I know a bit of your errors. and if I did have a dog and declared there was nothing home and there was it wouldn't bother me too much because a dog is only as good as it's last dig and they can all leave you down but they won't be kept with me . Luckily enough I have never been let down in front of a crowd only by 1 or 2 that knew the job and knew the outcome when I went home that day . Why don't you mention about the dog that you lost in the earth that day baying away nicely only
  12. Fair comment liam I haven't seen a dog kill one but there again I haven't seen everything in life thumbs up
  13. Foxdropper you have the wrong person so shout out what you like I am not guy maybe gay but not guy so move on your knocking the wrong door. stick to shouting about your dog's digging to very green game and killing hedgehogs. Have you still got that 5 year old pup that appears from below quit often and won't re enter lol
  14. Must be the case foxdropper your dog's must be bred right because they kill hedgehogs. listen if you can't take it don't give it. Remember the other day it's my ball and I'm going home you muppit lol. Then you were sending me messages trying to frighten me off I think you was crying run on now you idiot
  15. Never thought a terrier would be able to kill hedgehog when they instantly curl into ball any sign of danger mine never have anyway just stay there baying
  16. Starting a dog when? It's as much important where as when. when the dog is young nothing can be rushed because there is no rush and rushing has ruined many a terrier always make sure you have read the dog because their all like books all different there's always a different story of what a terrier needs. good Terriers are born not made we just make life easy for them and put them on the right path early days and keeping them winning is very important in a lot of young dogs its more fun than loosing
  17. Lot more than that where I'm from black stuff a lot more too but fair play too you vet
  18. Most vets are robbing b*****ds that know your in trouble and take full advantage charging you a fortune for things that doesn't really cost them much. We all have to make money at our job but they really take the mick. They buy Parva vacs for no more than 5 pounds what would they charge us
  19. sounds to me she's the type you don't want about then
  20. Could have been worse could have snaped his tow rope
  21. That's ok rippem it wasn't aimed at you over here there were a lot of drugy type people keeping them probably to protect their self's and property and would then make the dogs nasty thinking they were clever. They would keep them in back gardens then with children playing in street there was a lot of accidents if you could call it that. Like you know your self one in the wrong hands brought up wrongly can cause a fatality and unlike other breeds there is no stop
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