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Everything posted by foxbolter

  1. Do u know what huntsmen in the next 1 bowfinkle
  2. what they pulling together a sledge
  3. Milliken there 1 on ebay and sure u can by on amozon u might read of the father of ur welsh hound whats is name cause i sent hound over u way looked like him
  4. has anyone read the book and is it any good lads?
  5. what welsh line is he mate the lemon and white dog tell me dont be nosy if u dont want to say on here
  6. Pablo why be a clown people like u normally got sweat fa why be a pleb
  7. Them huntsmen in those days were asking for trouble entering more than 1dog in my book 1 dog at all time
  8. U need dogs with a bit of leg under them but narrow chested which i find very hard to comeby thats the size sorted then u need one that is willing to crawl down a crack in the rocks head first some times quit a number of feet .then the best i find are the one that tackle and bay which flusters the fox sometimes forceing him to bolt or move sometimes to a worse place in the rocks to be able to dig or sometimes better a baying dog which some times people think r needed r not the best cause charlie will be happy to stay there all day bad news in awkward spot when u dig to dogs in rocks they r in
  9. U got to work dogs in the country u got and more so if u doing terrier work with hounds and rock dogs got to be good dogs their work is far more harder than earth work once terriers can work rocks in my eyes they are the true warriers of the fox terrier world and u could get poddle to dig a fox in a earth
  10. Lowa type military by far the best for walking and diging on ebay type in cold weather boots
  11. This is why hunting is banned cause we are too weak we should have been causing mayhem on those marches to london and what was we doing even allowing antis to be there and in the waterloo cup what was antis doing there ? I tell u what they done what they wanted we was advised wrong by the countryside aliance in those days we didnt make the goverment panic about baning the sport we love rant over too late now
  12. Looking forward to this hunting fest now hope weather is fine and scent good and quarry plentyfull
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