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Quarter bull

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Everything posted by Quarter bull

  1. He might be a prick, but hes right about cameron, hes putting bible beleivers,christians, in the same league as the kkk, what a lying scumbag he is, do you bot think its suspicious, why is he even mentioning the prophecy of the bible if he says its nonsense, cause he knows its true an his entitys at the un know also, but will do an say anything, like above, to hide it, how is what a prophet from the middle east said thousands of years ago extreme, he is one scumbag lowlife, an still noone is taking it seriously, shame
  2. Rag an max, watch this? Youl love it lol
  3. https://www.dropbox.com/s/vzt1js5eqhu3pod/UK%20Prime%20Minister%20vows%20to%20CRUSH%20Bible%20Prophecy%20in%20UK%21%21%21.mp4?dl=0 Got it
  4. Link not working, type into youtube, british pm vows to stamp out prophecy, very strange,
  5. https://www.dropbox.com/s/3w207url7gaeinv/cameron.txt?dl=0 Watch this vid very strange indeed, he loves mussies
  6. Hes one scummy c**t, he needs tortured in public, but cameron is a pussy, hes on youtube speaking to the u.n saying, " prophecy about war with muslims" is lies ,,, why is he talking about it then,,, that was last year, il get it. What did I say last year on God thread, before isis appeared, that the muslims will rise up in middle east an try an reestablish the ottoman empire, to wait on the new calophate, by any means possible, I guess bible prophecy was way off :-) whistle
  7. Good stuff bird, cant beat a good nights walk lamping, well done dogs, pm still up left cant sort it, cant acess it atb
  8. Outrage, definatley should be banned from coming back. An that goes for the rest of them.
  9. https://www.dropbox.com/s/2bg8tfjsqne1xyu/The%20Super%20Rich%20and%20Us%20-%20BBC%20Documentary%202015%20-%20Rich%20People%20vs%20Poor%20People%20-%20Epis.mp4?dl=0 Watch this an be prepared to be outraged
  10. Ah mushy it is the bankers fault, were in a mess handing out sub prime morgagtes, to anybody so they in turn then can stick them on the market an gamble them an make loads of dosh, an thats hust the tip off it, if you want to know how an whys watch the bbc program, the super rich an us, End of the day mush there con artists, debt is a scam, once your in it your fecked.
  11. https://www.dropbox.com/s/8ulyaqagi4k9f70/Survivor%20-%20Eye%20Of%20The%20Tiger%20ORIGINAL%20MOVIE%20VERSION%20%28ROCKY%20III%29.mp4?dl=0
  12. Yes land in france is cheap compared to here, its socialists mate :-)
  13. Anyone watch abraham v paul smith last bight, good gutsy fight from paul plenty of heart but in the end a,a took the fight, to strong an powerful, good fight tho
  14. Walshie its not working mate, it only let me go in an reply to yours mate, an I cant acess it again. Could you work your stuff please mate.
  15. Yeah we mouse, he was bouncing round middle of field when I was out lamping, he sat still when I got close, dog was pulling other way when I tried to take pic, he woulda sat there too, funny why he didnt run
  16. Pikaboo https://www.dropbox.com/s/yatnhqcv5aakswv/IMG_20150217_192633%20%281%29.jpg?dl=0
  17. Can you walshie, thanks mate,
  18. Whats the old saying, the strongest live to run another day, an reproduce, cant kill them all or theyd be nothing to reproduce.
  19. Period pain hehe ouugh Iol
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