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Quarter bull

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Everything posted by Quarter bull

  1. Clarkson an the bbc, their both a complete set of b*****ds.
  2. Bollox, another self appraised conspiracy theorists,,,love the way they make their own false interpatation,,,let them all do what their doing, jesus is the way the truth an the life,,,and theyll try anything to dicredit him,,,sadists lol
  3. Yeah I had a look, just you keep up good work, seems the site is full of online dictators, folk scared to admit they ain't living a very christian lifestyle and just plain rude stupid people that like to start typing before putting there brain in gear. 100% johnny
  4. Aye gran lad thanks,,,have you seen the evo vs God thread,, an God answered thread,,,some things never change.
  5. Hi johnny mate, you back lad hope your well bigman, youve missed the craic
  6. Getting full drunk in the bar, then coming back an cursing an blinding at hotel staff, for no reason, then slagging the irish producer oooh lol an then busting his lip, he is a plonker, little boys like that need taken down a peg or two, that show will be fine without him, get a young lad in there that knows cars inside out an it will be gran, all three contracts run out shortly anyway,, as they say in russia, cheerio
  7. True I love me mum to bits lol
  8. So were all in agreement, hes a ten out of ten wanker,,,lol
  9. You might say there different species, but as you said they can breed, an there a fudging CAT paulas, as yous said breed a lion an a tiger an theyll produce a tigon,, what is it a CAT,,, nothing more nothing God does not see them as species,,,just cause weve named them different species,, there still cats paulas,, that I agree had a common ancestor,, a CAT Haha,,,that came of the boat with noah,, so he didnt need to take all species just a pink an blue one from each kind. Ie. Cat,,dog,,horse,,,monkey No matter what you say,,,it still doesnt mean.millions of years ago,,a cat produced a
  10. Mate you need to wind yer neck in a bit, do yo want me to pay to have your balls cut off, or pay to have them stuffed in like an elephant lol On a serious note is everything in working order, well whats your problem?
  11. You say species I say kind, an thete a CAT Palaus, simple mate, cat bring after cats, as nature shows us. When I see a cat have a dog I might ,,,nahhh I cant its never gonna happen lil When the animals came of the ark, as you say ligers tigons, the main cats was there whatever that was an they spread out an diverged,,,an the less oxegen, the less our life span,,,as I said paulas check out hyperbaric chambers mate
  12. Im saying your dogs nuts dangle outside the body like ours, an rest of animal kingdom whats your point lad.
  13. Yeah handy for getting out broken slates, without taking the who roof apart, still used.
  14. Wouldnt say religous, I like truth lol
  15. What a load of rubbish....Go created everything perfect first time Been said many times before Why are men's balls on the outside Why do men have nipples Why don't women have tits on their back Haha whats wrong with that, did you ever see your dogs balls haha or do you have dogs?
  16. Im not asking that just telling the truth.
  17. Yes mo,,,there was no death before that,,once they rebelled an sinned,,,hello death
  18. Sorry to break this to you lads,,but I dont know what God your talking about,,but its not the God of the bible,,,God of the bible created everything perfect,,first time,,,for life,,,it was mans use of free will that fudged it all up,,,when man disobeyed an rebelled,,then that sin brought death into the world,,,on the polar opposite,,,evoloution says death brought man into the world,,threw mutation,,,an alot of cruel wastage an death,, of whatever they say we evolved from,,,plus it nullifies the death an resurection of jesus on the cross,,,cause he came to defeat death an rise again. If you
  19. I'd like to share this video. Kent Hovind - New World Order (Prophecy Club) Powered by TubeMate (http://tubemate.net)
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