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Quarter bull

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Everything posted by Quarter bull

  1. Oh yeah, the egyptian, who was said,,,as you probably know neems,, to live to over 900, do you beleive this,,,thor the egyptian god,
  2. Ye wonder why no one has tryed to intervene, something fishy going on.
  3. Heard about it meself, is it the al kebab butchering just christians or anyone in their way?
  4. Here you go bombed bake lol Oh yeah ancient little clay thimbles with stories (pictograms not words) telling ancient stories that predate the bible by ooo a couple of thousand years and guess what..... Yep they depict things like the Noah floods, Beelzebub (the devil to Jesus
  5. Your stoned head is clouded, with your lack of knowledge weeman, you cant answer simple questions to back up your claims, just shout your perverted moith of, your just a wee hatemonger, who thinks you know it all,,,get of the drugs your heads melted... Simple question, out of all the knowledge in the world, do you know half of it, i pretty much doubt it, but lets just say you do know half of everything, is it possible on the other half that God exists, an you could be wrong? ,well i let you get on an smoke your brains out, when you brain, comes out of the clouds, dont panic, smoke anot
  6. "Were the Spanish Christians when they invaded the New World" :laugh: Is the Pope Catholic? Yeah hes a catholic, so what year did they invade the new world?
  7. Haha ok mush, yer mates assuming it can, threw ionization process, do you even know how that works, well how come the theory isnt put to bed then, more porkies, lol How could these pictograms show pics of jesus an the devil, if it predates the good book, you dropped yourself in it there, that spanish skunk is hazing your mind lol
  8. So theres no mayan documents left, well how did your misses do her thesis then, how did she learn about the mayans, from a second hand source, an you say the spanish destroyed them, what year was this then mush, were the spanish christians, be mote specific stoned head lol So you saying the mainstream is wrong about the oldest civilizations, your saying theres older than egytians, how can you tell how old the buildings are?
  9. Well you wont see peckham, from the spanish mountains mush, roll one up an blast your we brain out, an let the anger ease, your a grumpy we man, lol Sure the oldest recorded history are the egyptians, mayans, an there both, heathen, pagans, at least five thousands old, an there documents are here for all to see, so i doubt your telling whoppers mush, but sure throw up a few evidences to back your, hate filled rant up, or chill out an blast a.other...lol Accusations are flying, with nothing to back it up....
  10. Neems it was a joke about the g.f lol... Chill out its a bit of craic, hi its a full moon get out an see lol oj
  11. mate i really dont know what your talking about. i see myself as god and the earth as my girlfriend????? i mean she's heavily pregnant and not her usual slender self,but she hasnt got her own gravitational pull..yet wtf goes on inside your head man? but for the record it predates the written word,watch the vid and you'll see more than enough evidence. Yeah well you dont know that much about paganism neems afterfall.....
  12. Nah dont think so, weres your authenticated pagan documents, like the scriptures, there is none neems.. Neems your claims are very funny, give me an example how christians are enaved,,,, I fail to see this mate, on the other hand your trapped in your, materialistic, paganistic, evoloutionary worship of yourself as god, an mother earth as your girlfriend, sorry neems, but your brainwashed imo
  13. Away with yaself and think old Jim got it right Jim will fix it,,, what were you warned about listening to paedos mush, lol
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  15. No bother mush, your loss mate, here a bit of reading for you, king james is translated from originals, this is a short answer, i could go down deep, an kick every dog on the way down, but i dont need to, atb......
  16. Couldnt be better, alot of folk have taken the scripture in the past an used it for their own power an control, theres no men on earth, that can forgive your sins, only jesus christ our lord, whatever these power hungry men have done in the past in the name of.......its fudge all to do with the bible, an if people had a second look, they might realise this....
  17. Happy days mush, yeah i agree with yoru on the nicea, an pope, thing they tryed to change scripture, but thats nothing to do with k.j bible, it has been the same since translation, an the scriptures it was translated from, are authenticated an verified, il agree theres many "new" bibles oit now an there not to be trusted, but the k.j, is solid as a rock. The world is flat lol, k.j clearly stayes many times the earth is a sphere, forged letters, well thats just somebody forging scripture, it takes nothing away from the bible, an the roman accounts match the bible no bother, mush we had this
  18. Hello mush, howd you get on with your, mountain walk, changes you say, could you show me one plesae?
  19. An neems my man, your a pagan, correct, you worship created materialistic things, trees water, moon stars, depending what paet of the world your from, you see mother earth as the goddess, correct, oooh boy down to the rock.... You say christianity copied paganism, lol sorry there polar opposite, as i said before the old testament an the new testament, are one in the same, sorry to burst your bubble, but you dont like that do you,,,,paganism is just idol worship, with no substance an no backbone, the first commandment says, thou shall have no other gods,,( false gods ) before me,,, so thats
  20. Chris an neems, yous both are really funny, you both claim you know best when really, chris your religon is beleif an faith, with 0 evidence, you can try an muddle the lines, but you know an your priests,,,ie scientist know,,,theres 0 evidence, an thats a fact. You say fairytale storys lol,, the good book is eyewitness accounts, an if you want to dismiss, youd would have to dismiss, all history, cause you couldnt say you cant trust one an not the other based on what man has witnessed, an recorded, could you, At least the good book is eyewitness accounts, what is yours, evo, nothing na
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