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Everything posted by Boristheblade

  1. £29 import tax hardly breaking the bank. Have you actually owned the dog trace one? Looks like a kids toy to me
  2. Ain’t no messing with mine. If you buy them from proper place won’t have no issues. Which one do you own?
  3. Nice thermal drone they got there ?.
  4. I built mine with bricks and blocks and lined the bed boxes with kingspan then used caberdek waterproof floorboarding to line them: they are very warm middle of winter without the need for a heat lamp.
  5. Cheers mate, tell ya mrs 5* rating on trip advisor for her scran and lodgings ?. Fuk me you said he was bad but I dint think that bad ??
  6. Had a cracking day, seen some nice big healthy Charlie, left foxpack for dust on them hills he blamed his knees and age ? thanks for the invite mate ?
  7. Come on lad show us a pic. Constructive cryticism for your own benefit.
  8. Nah not hard enough for bull x. Giro day my favourite day. All that free money. Weed not for me it’s too strong I just eat me beans
  9. I’d chap the lot n go get yourself a decent lurcher ?
  10. Is that your pet name for Igz ya budgie ?
  11. Dogs too much for you to handle. You struggle with the jackers ya got ?
  12. Ha least you got faith in the dog ??. You got yourself a pup out working stuff or kc?
  13. That’s your second mistake not gettin gps straight away. First one was gettin a beagle ?
  14. Oh least they ain’t seized ya dog then. What county was ya in?
  15. Just tell the truth that’s all. Some don’t like it ?
  16. It’s true what they say. You can always judge a man by his yard and kennels ?
  17. I’m guna write them a long email explaining why I’m cancelling.
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