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Everything posted by Boristheblade

  1. Ha that was into a old railway banking, easy digging but forever caving in. 6ft for 2 bunnys ?
  2. he's one ugly b*****d but he looks like he's got some charm. Beauty's in the eye of the beholder - personally I think he's a real handsome lad... I'm guessing he's some sort of teckel cross? He's not a bad lookin lad, Youv got good taste krawnden ha. Quite a few people think the same but he's a beagle cocker x beagle terrier. Foxpack of here bred him out of his dog Brian to one of his beagle cockers I like the look of him... yep and me looks a right character Thanks lads, he definatly is, he has the most character out of all the dogs Iv ever owned, he's hilairious at times. Been like it
  3. he's one ugly b*****d but he looks like he's got some charm. Beauty's in the eye of the beholder - personally I think he's a real handsome lad... I'm guessing he's some sort of teckel cross? He's not a bad lookin lad, Youv got good taste krawnden ha. Quite a few people think the same but he's a beagle cocker x beagle terrier. Foxpack of here bred him out of his dog Brian to one of his beagle cockers
  4. Cheers mate, he's becoming a very versatile mutt.
  5. Good post .the big thing with this x is keeping them sound to run or alive due reckless style of running , had 2 over the years took all game ,very fast ,lacked wind and both didnt live long . went down the bull coursing dog route few years ago now ticks all the boxes Your exactly right, When people argue thiers doesn't lack wind I don't think they have ever seen a dog with coursing blood run, mine will do a few good long runs but when your out all night they certainly start to flag where as the coursing blooded dogs will run forever and a day. 'A massive difference when you compare the 2 side
  6. My dog, he's 28.5tts and defiantly does not lack in speed or drive. Personally I would go for a half x bull grey to a coursing bred dog next time tho For that extra wind and durability.
  7. Around $25 pound but I don't breed many of mine only to keep line going Thought they'd be more over there, when I lived over there I got told they were banned?
  8. Good watch that mate ? Don't you use locators at all?
  9. What would be the best torch to use with that monocular mate? As I think that's the 1 im going for. Thanks Look at ludricrous lumens at the AS IR torches a 50mm should be the best in terms of range and size for it. Probs around £35. Go for a T50 or TR50 dependant on personal choice. Ok thanks for your help. Have you used a nv monocular for spotting whilst lamping with the runners? As this is what I'll be buying one for, just don't know anyone that has used one for this. Thanks
  10. Who's dog you guna borrow? That bull whippet of yours couldn't catch a cold. Seen it with my own eyes haha
  11. What would be the best torch to use with that monocular mate? As I think that's the 1 im going for. Thanks
  12. That's a fair size that mate. You got this one on video by any chance?
  13. Iv got a 3/4 greyhound 1/4 bull like what your trying to achieve, he will tackle anything put in front of him and still can catch hares n rabbits.
  14. ? Just spat coffee over my van.. ffs Tickled me that one aswel ??
  15. seen this dog up for stud and then up for sale.500quidIv seen it for sale and up for stud many a times. He used the same pic in the advert lol i did sell the dog but got him back as lad done nothing with him..best thing i ever did !!!! Bulls obviously not for life then ay.
  16. seen this dog up for stud and then up for sale.500quid Iv seen it for sale and up for stud many a times. He used the same pic in the advert lol
  17. Am doing mate. Yer the 2 white n tan are full beagle the other choc one is beagle cocker x beagle terrier.
  18. Cheers mate, only young dogs but comin on nicely, just started to hunt and open up. Hopefully flyin in new year.
  19. Few pics from today of a few of the pack.
  20. That's were I have seen them, ok thanks for your help I'll have a look around. Decathlon was selling them At one point.
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