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Everything posted by Boristheblade

  1. I have a litter brother to Ronnys pup and he has made daily walks 100 times more interesting, best thing I have done is get a purpose bred busher, Iv always kept gundogs n still have a lab that bushes well but doesn't compare to a purpose bred busher that has a voice.
  2. Would of been easier to say what's not in him haaa. Good luck with him mate. Stick a pic up.
  3. I looked at that thread cuz I had never seen it before. I can assure all of you there are plenty of culls being bred over here. I look at some of the shit people keep and I just shake my head. Lil snipey nosed weedy bitches being bred to skinny scrawny pencil necked shit eaters. Before anybody gets all crazy and goes to importing dogs please make sure you know who you are getting the dogs from. There are coyote dogs and then there are COYOTE DOGS! Can't see why any right minded person would import a coyote dog from the states when I'm more than certain the uk has a lot more capable mutts to
  4. Me too ? Iv lived happily ever after haaa
  5. How's that bred fella looks a real nice type that fella ?? Beagle cocker x beagle terrier mate. Foxpack who used to be on here bred him Out of his dog Brian. Think the whole litter are doin well at a young age. I'm more than happy with mine massively exceeded my expectations at his age.
  6. Cheers mate he takes after me with his good lucks haaa
  7. Litter brother to ronnys pup. Just started to find his voice, just turned 6 month. Flushed his first fox at the weekend couldn't be happier with how he's turned out real pleasure to own and is keen as mustard.
  8. That's not too bad then I suppose lol. You better hope that old bitch don't get injured or you be nabbin dog back next season haa
  9. Yeah it just totally and utterly disorientates you,no landmarks or nothing..I was out last season with Darcy when the pea souper rolled in,we totally lost our bearings,infact we thought we were heading close to an airport as we could hear what we thought were aircraft the noise was even surreal..As we trudged on we eventually came to a small embankment & a f***ing Eddie Stobart lorry sailed past!! No airplanes at all lol,couldn't hear a car passing even at 20 yards!! Darcy walked 6 miles up the road dodging death on the narrow grass verge with vehicles having very little visibility to say
  10. Sod that, left yourself short. Dint it cost you a good whack for c section aswel?
  11. gave away a bitch pup the spitting image of him boris-looks well put together.atvb dcYer she does look very similar don't she. Is that the pup you just bred?yes mate similar way bred but with a touch of beddy/wheaton and foxhound in there as well.next time I'm at the farm I get a few of her standing up lol.atb dcYer I remember you mentioning the breeding actually in pm. Have you not kept a pup back?
  12. gave away a bitch pup the spitting image of him boris-looks well put together.atvb dc Yer she does look very similar don't she. Is that the pup you just bred?
  13. some bone to him Boris,Be a nice strong but racy type ,I bet thats what I'm hoping for mate, n really hope he can take a knock or 2 needs to be robust with how my season has gone lol.
  14. He's a dog mate just got a small dick haa. He's a saluki bull grey.Ha ha! Good strong pup mate. ?? Best of luck with him Cheers lad ?
  15. He's a dog mate just got a small dick haa. He's a saluki bull grey.
  16. My favourite cross, if you get the best from both sides your onto a winner and will take all quarry with ease.
  17. No chance hahaha i got wierd feeling that any litters i ever breed will only produce what i need haha Ha your bitch will end up havin all dogs ?
  18. not be long till your writing your sales pitch for pups katchum ?
  19. Good luck mate hope it all comes together for ya. ?
  20. Haha ginger minger still got lip out cos he's reserved an injury prone one run pony. mind you he will of changed his mind by end of week n be lookin for a saluki next.
  21. Clean, disinfect it, use cut n heal spray. Or aluspray.
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