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Everything posted by Boristheblade

  1. That’s not my pic above lol. I was going to put heaters in the box but isn’t much need as mine are fully insulated and the heater wouldn’t come on as doesn’t drop cold enough in there. This is mine they are brick n block then 50mm polystrene backed with foil bubble wrap cavity insulation boards. Then lined with waterproof caberdek floor boarding.
  2. No mate put them in the box with the dog.
  3. You can buy the tube heaters from screwfix with built in thermostat, n can buy the cages to fit around them to stop chewing.
  4. Told you before your not my type, I’m there for the dogs, not the bondage, Igz gets jealous if you get too close to me ?
  5. He’s on about Igz, them 2 are a thing. Always slapping each other’s arses on lamp ?
  6. I use a pulsar thermal. Right bit of kit. Defo worth the money 100%. Game changer. Wunt hesitate to buy another straight away if lost mine
  7. Surely if you put the collar on tightly it won’t cone off? Mine go through real thick cover and there’s no chance they will come off
  8. You don’t have to have the maps, mine didn’t come with the maps I bought sd card as they are very handy at times.
  9. Don’t sound very clever to me, I use Garmin and it never has no funny signal. That 30 secs could be very frustrating when in some situations, il stick with the Garmin. You know what they say about buying cheap shit ?
  10. Man in Bradford’s prices. Will deliver if order a decent amount.
  11. ? ??shhh don’t tell don he be round with begging bowl
  12. English always been upper class to you jocks but we still skint ?
  13. Tight b*****ds you jocks, minimum bet £20 ?
  14. Yer mate, got them from American company called gps4us. Yes work very well go for 9 miles with normal collar 4 mile with mini
  15. Looking forward to entering this one in next few weeks. See what he’s about.
  16. You still not tidied that garden yet?
  17. How do you lose a gps tracker? ?
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