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Everything posted by Boristheblade

  1. Are you sure it hasn’t got a tiny little rubber button on the back for another 7 higher level settings?
  2. All sportdogs have that feature. The models usually go up in the distance that they work at. Think mines the 825
  3. You must have no work on at all?
  4. You must have a lot of time to put into 4 pups with all diff needs.
  5. Yer has 14 different levels. Iv never needed to go more than half way for any dog even stubborn bleeders who are numb in the head ha
  6. There’s 3, bred all different ways. Bottom one saluki bull grey x saluki bull grey back to bull grey. Second one saluki grey x bull grey. Top one saluki bull grey x saluki grey
  7. Cheers mate ha. One on left n one on right are litter brothers one in middle is repeat mating he’s bout 5 month old now just started opening up well pleased. Bred by foxpack.
  8. They beagle cocker x beagle terrier, all 3 are brothers.
  9. Cheers mate. Really lookin forward to frosty mornings getting them all singin.
  10. That’s just for you, don’t do that for just anyone ya know ?
  11. Maybe lance could repay favour n go clean his yard ?
  12. Cheers mate ?. He did well last night for first shine
  13. Yer plastic pigeons ? he’s gone to faggot brigade ain’t he ?. Yer bring them through one Sunday n have day out
  14. Think brighty comin down soon mate come with him. Or I’ll sort a day out with bushers same place as last time if ya fancy it? Bring that Plummer of yours.
  15. First night on the lamp last night for mine. Looking promising.
  16. Iv got a sportdog n they are a very good piece of kit. Come with all different ranges cheapest place is britishdog.net
  17. I got patent on this mate. That’s copywright fraud ?
  18. Cheers mate, I wouldn’t put my dogs in anything I wouldn’t be comfortable getting in for the night. Some might say I’m soft but not a chance I’d let my dogs sleep in a draughty cold kennel, it’s basically cruelty.
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