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Tight Wires 1

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Everything posted by Tight Wires 1

  1. the trap line traps wil give better results than the duffus..
  2. whats the best wire for fox snares, thickness etc and best place for crimps,locks etc.. cheers
  3. the yanks wax all they foot hold traps,, wax don't cost a lot and traps easier to set and work faster I would have thought.
  4. is there many on here who go out each day to snare fox .
  5. not all cam lock snares have teeth in them.the cam biter lock does but most don't..
  6. its for a coyote.. sorry about the double reply I added lads,, don't yet know how to use this site..
  7. the snare is an American inport..a cam lock with what looks like a 300lb break-a-way.. self locking and only a fool would use such in the uk.
  8. that snare is an import from America, a cam lock and with a break-a-way, of about 300 lb I would think.. only a fool would set such snare.
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