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Everything posted by ZeusPolecat

  1. Couple of screens of an upcoming video. Athena getting swung off a bunny, kudos for trying! Captured in high frames so will have it in slow motion once I get around to editing it. [/url]">http:// [/url]">http:// [/url]">http://
  2. [/url]">http:// The warren before the bolt footage and that wasn't the start of it! Don't think I used any of that footage in the final video. After the first dig closest to the photo camera, I placed the video camera in blind - Turns out it was capturing a bottled bunny scene perfectly and had i left it - it would have captured me breaking through on the second dig which would have been prime unseen footage. The tunnel was straight and the light was reaching what was happening. Unfortunately, unknowingly I pulled the camera out to save battery. That scenario will present itself again I'
  3. Got another two filmed, not going to beat what I've done already but still worth sharing. Other than that I have two weeks left to film If I'm lucky... bedding in some of the hole entrances now.
  4. He certainly is. If It's a diggable/pest control job hes the first choice.
  5. The underground footage was taken from a number of warrens along the same hedgerow. Most of the rabbits had to be dug out, hes getting too good at pinning them down in his old age. Luckily I captured two clean bolts one day which I edited in. Using one of Joks boxes! http://youtu.be/XerUmuPStyY
  6. Camera batteries would die if I was digging five foot holes haha. Hobs for jobs, jills for thrills.
  7. Part of the fun is learning the hard way. Assuming the ferrets are collared and you have a spade with you, just go for it. Start with a couple open small warrens and enjoy the learning curve along with your ferrets. Simon is the main man so if you want to go that route, why not. But it is nice to go it alone, worth a try... then at least later you will know what questions to ask!
  8. Got a little wood on a steep slope crawling with rabbits, over 100 holes easily in the main mass warren, plenty more in little sets around it. I don't have enough long nets to go around but I thought I could rig up a cross or a T shape in the centre of the main concentration of holes. A few stop nets that could be moved around during the day and some purse nets rigged to back net any escape holes I feel they may run for on the outskirts of the wood. I'm fairly confident the majority will bolt up or down the hill rather than leaving the wood entirely, as there's not many nearby warrens outside
  9. Haha thought mine were overly pampered!
  10. Thanks. The roots work like scaffold in a mine, easier to fit cameras in. This warren stretched away from the camera a fair distance, which I couldn't show.
  11. Certainly seems like the rabbit isn't happy about the camera being there, may have been a clean bolt otherwise. They just fancy their chances against the small ferrets. I'm sure that's blood under it's nose in the last scene, time to give up and bolt. Glad they are being enjoyed. I'll get the hob up soon for you! Digging away!
  12. The guy laid out some ground rules in his original post. No physical punishment which I assume also rules out killing the thing. He also stated he lets them run around his kitchen for a romp. Bit of problem solving and that was my answer. 'ferret time out' is a well known technique which many say works, albeit not that well known among the ferret owners who keep them for work. Most of the other suggestions posted here did not work around the requirements.
  13. The method I suggested was to suit your non physical preference. If you let them out in the kitchen then it will work. May take a fortnight to see changes. Using your voice while using the method I suggested will in the long run teach them to understand what you want. A stern 'no' works for me. A ferret will learn what a glove is. Gloves are used to teach fearful animals that it's safe to be touched. Assuming yours isn't attacking out of fear, it won't help.
  14. NEVER READ OWT AS DAFT AS THIS IN MY LIFE What's your method?
  15. This only really works if they have a play area - a run or a room that they don't have access to all the time. A treat playtime area of sorts, that they only get access to for a limited time a day or so. Keep a cat carrier or carry box handy and have all the ferrets out for a romp. Get in with them and make it look as fun as possible. If she bites for whatever reason, lock her in the carrier for 3-5 minutes. Helps if she can see the other ferrets having a blast without her. After shes served her time, manually take her out and let her join the fun... but if she bites again, back in. The stan
  16. Mostly GoPros I agree. Theres a time and a place for each worker in a ferreters arsenal. She keeps tracking the rabbit down and for that I'm thankful. As Vin said, it's a debate for another time. Each to their own regarding sex and size. Certain jobs and ground will dictate what ferrets used.
  17. Pets at home sell a product by 'Beaphar'. Its a 'multi-vitamin/malt paste'. Ferrets can't cough up hairballs/fur/feathers like cats for example. So this is a first defence against any sort of wheezing /coughing for me and it has good results. It claims to coat internal hair with a slippery layer. Only need a tiny amount on a finger tip a few times a week. They really like it too, so great for training a "come" command. Larger amounts can also work as a laxative so best not to use too much... unless you want them to really pass something urgently, really best to consult a vet here though.
  18. Yeah here it is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gA8jk5Ci3O0 I got a bit of stick with regards to the ferret backing down. But everything I had seen above ground, prior to underground filming, led me to believe she was a top notch worker. I still think that way too, she will bolt rabbits quicker than the others. Her brother is a big mean killing machine.... but that means digging a lot. Compared to the other videos shes featured in, this was a big open chamber, I've concluded a rabbit will have an advantage if it is given space to use it's agility. Also this rabbit seems overly confide
  19. Got a box from Jok myself and am very happy with it. First thing that struck me is how light it is, much lighter than my old smaller box. Hope to get a video of it up come the season.
  20. My hobs castrated and is arguably better than the jills, certainly more keen. I doubt it effects their working ability.
  21. Have captured general underground rumbling in some of the videos, depends on the volume your playing it at I guess. As for purposeful thumping I think this is the only footage I have of it, skip to 5.55 the rabbit thumps it's foot down a couple of times https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gA8jk5Ci3O0
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