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Everything posted by lurch4me

  1. Here is a blog from I guy I found inlightening...not sure if he will reply to you but here is the info. Mike Bilbo longdog-blog.blogspot.com He runs staghounds on Coyotes and Hares regularly and is active with breeders who do the same. Good Luck, I would also like to get into coursing hares in Central Canada, but I need to place one of my Gun dogs in a new home first...wife only allows me to own 2 dogs.
  2. Rew, Excellent looking lurchers. Did you breed them yourself? What is their X Your daily work will them will reap dividends come fall rabbit hunting. Keep us informed :clapping:
  3. Nice looking Whippets looks like they are having a good romp around the field.
  4. Nice Looking Bitch I am sure she will be sadly missed, but take delight in the memories of the great hunts you had together.
  5. Interesting Read Stabs. I guess I should of clarified what I meant by GunDog. I really meant a german breed type Gun Dog Like the following Breeds: German Wirehair/Drahthaar German Shorthair Pudel Pointer Small Munsterlander New to this style of hunting and very interested in having a bitch/dog that can really make a go of it on hares. Interestingly enough Whippets are very common in my City even though the weather is not suited for them....Lots of Show ring people breed them, although some still have alot of run in them. How do Collie x fair on hares?
  6. Ditch Sh!tter and bslade Thanks for the translations. Ditch Sh!tter is your name satirical or is it another UK phrase that has some meaning? When we hunt in Canada in the remote forests we literally do what your name states when mother nature calls KFC means Kentucky Fried Chicken in Canada....translation is Greasy Fried Chicken. I wasn't sure if this reference had some other cryptic meaning in UK. Bitch = Female dog her to or a nagging wife GSD was not sure what breed this was referring to. Splashed with hares muck....I thought it meant the dog/bitch got covered with r
  7. Why would a whippet be to small for taking down a hare? Or would it be to small to carry the hare back? Our hares usually average 6 - 10lbs. What about a bedlington Terrier cross?
  8. Hi I am a Newbie to the art of Lurching and Gazehounds. I own a dog and a bitch breed and used for what I call Versatile hunting. The dogs are expected to search, point, retrieve, track and recover game whether it has feathers or fur. I don't use my dogs for dispatching game such as fox, skunks, badgers, racoons, etc. From what I have experienced these dogs have been breed to work closely and want to please the hunter, although my dog is very independent and quite content to "Self Hunt" if I am not in possion of a firearm when we hit the fields, marshes or forests. Now to my questio
  9. Hi Just joined....I live in Canada where Coursing is technically illegal and frowned upon by all Big Game hunters(Deer, moose, elk, bear, etc). However, our laws have provisioning for Jack Rabbit (hare) coursing on private land where hares have been deemed a nuissance. Can someone please translate the following expressions: GSD bitch After a shared KFC She’s blowing a bit splashed with the Hare’s muck pirate pack of hounds a lung induced pea-souper Thanks!
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