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Everything posted by kreet

  1. anyone who can spend pennies of a grand on a feild for ferrets deserve's to have money problems i would expect heated living areas and sky tv for that kinda money i dont think the feild fenced of idea was a good one im sure one will end up over or under and anyway why he thinks that 1k on ferret world will bring in enough custom to make it worth even thinking about spending that i dont know . he woulda been as cheap with a aviary and shed a hob and half a dozen jills at least they wouldnt have to worry about escape's or twats reaching in etc plus he would have a good 700 bux to spend on someth
  2. i agree with you juckler i also think its about time there was a programme realy showing you what we have available all around us any program like to do with wild foods i dont mind a look at as there is very little worth watching on tv .
  3. was a good program good to see all the stuff thats out there
  4. digdeep- spot on mate bet there fiesty wee bu***rs lol
  5. cracking litter mate love the bitch she's a beuty
  6. ace piks and looks like great fun , that coon with the red bitch is f****n masize
  7. cracking young ferrets hope you have fun with them
  8. looks like a top day , you all looked to be having a ball especialy the dog's quality pik's aswell
  9. ace footage best bit for me was taking the goat of the mountain aswell !
  10. if you were nearer me id take as much as poss but im in scotland grrr
  11. sre they for sale or in wrong section mate ? nice collection ! you make them ?
  12. ace vid , wish my 6 month old whippet would even notice the rabbits were there ! pups are looking great !
  13. sounds good thats the sort of thing i do with everything a cook and constantly just try adding anything to see what like , usualy good the other half struggle's with frozen chip's and a micro meal grrr lol means i dont have to do the washing up since i always make tea tho
  14. im getting a lift up tonight to see about some new permision so gonna have a look at the hazels while im up there and see if there's any there fingers crossed .
  15. the hare or the levey's ? skinned or you meaning before there born ?
  16. had a look today when i was getting the elder's but all the netles were seeded so just left it was disapointed but was as i expected . do you pick every berry of the bunche's of elder berrys? where would you find the jap knotweed etc as id be up for giving it a go do you just eat these as a snack or along with ...... been looking for mushrooms but havent seen any and wouldnt know what to look for so would prolly be best leaving the shrooms lol
  17. there are half a dozen hazels near me but couldnt find anything on them the other week when i looked ill check on sunday while im up there with the ferrets
  18. so you just pick the top of? say approx an inch of the tip ? any netle soup reciepe's ?
  19. are those like the ones you get around rock pools etc on rocky beache's ? or are the ones im on about best left alone ?
  20. ive never tryd any at all part from the normal berrys but the other half was on about netle soup yest but i thought it was a bit late in the year as i thought you were best with young netle's is this right ?
  21. thanks for that moll now itl be a black bag full rather than a carryer bag full im getting hahaha just throw a little in with there feed then ? thawd out againe a take it ? im stuck on looking after the kids while other half works one's 4 and ones 9 months so ive been out as much as i can with them i hate being stuck in the 4 year old thinks its ace but wants to eat every bramble she sets eye's on and the young un is fine till the buggy stops and he goe's loopy till i stop picking and move on againe stuck on the berrys and looking for nuts tho was going to take them down the river fishing
  22. cheers guys of looking for some this afternoon while im out for elder berry's with the kids will the nuts be ready to start picking or is it still a bit early ?
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