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Everything posted by kreet

  1. good stuff are those doves ok to shoot i was always told as a kid wasnt to shoot them could have had a few today aswell . do you eat them of just ferret food ?
  2. thats great to here hope he's back to health soon
  3. i agree it would give a better coat and stronger feet but there is no real sertance of how the pups would turn out they could end up all totaly diffrent in every way or they could all be exactly the same and do well but its hit and miss id say and id probably just stick with something thats already established . if it was done and worked and i didnt have enough already id probably toy with a bitch but ill stick with the we ones
  4. assasingirl... no she is a bitch from a friend he had a litter for own use and this bitch was the only one that didnt stay in the family she will turn out what she is supposed to . the pup i got from dogger is settling in well and is having a ball playing with the jrt pup sorry iv not posted the piks of the litter yet the inlaw hasnt braught the cable for the camera down and its driving me mad lol .
  5. im not slagging and never says i have taken more than you i have already ses i have dens that i cant work due to the age of my dogs the pup runs about the barn all the time and if she happens to nail a mouse then thats a shame saves the traps for the others . as for she would take what she would catch she's 12 weeks and twice the dog my male was at that age and he's nailing squirels and rats whitch im happy with if he takes to the big stuff the way he has the small whitch i know for a fact he will ill be happy . iv done an animal husbandry course as i was going to become a grehound traine
  6. the pups protected against parvo mate and sorry for posting a pick of my pup im not the only one who does so if she knows there smell and knows to rag just now she'l take them if she gets the chance my 5 month old pup got another today ts 7, 4 with him and 3 with the 22 if everyones pups were taking greys it would be all the better for our red's . giro ...what makes you so greathat you must have a dig on my post's what have you down that makes you the great hunter that can tell a 20 year old thats dogs are doing and learning what there sposed to that you can try put me down my pups now
  7. thats what i thought for someone to do it it would have to be to an old bitch no one had any use for or it wouldnt be worth while not alot of people would swap making £750 pup for a few hundred pound lurchers. unsure what the point would be as the greyhound would add more speed than the whippet and be a much easyer task to cross if you want to keep it small why cross with such a big dog , if you want to go big why use a whippet ? i wouldnt put the biggest dog i could use to the smallest its the oposit from why they are bred in my opinion .
  8. kreet

    logun s16

    i think its the first one black with red lighting it comes to bits the bared and stock come of ? the boy just got a new barrel put on it as pellets jammed so must be the one you mean might just give it a miss then .
  9. the black bitch and the dog are now away brindle bitch is 2 and a half and has taken everything im aloud to take her on any trial she runs the beam works with ferrets and the big stuff aint a problem kennels with other dogs and is quiet she has been lying up for 6 months so isnt at her fitest as the boys dads ill but she will still come with trial ill take you out with her on the lamp or with ferrets £200 with trial i cannot get picks .
  10. sort my act out i told you my problems before i asked about the saluki's as my mate has a saluki dog and has been looking for a pure regesterd bitch for a long time . i didnt ask for permision on here i asked for help finding an underkeepers job iv trapped and worked on an estate my ex best mate stole a 22 hornet and f****d it for the both of us ! more permision is something that we all want no matter how much we have . my runs are now concrete and slabs as i say at the time i was having problems and had dogs in my kennel that were there for the wrong resons the ones i have now
  11. been offerd one thats not even had 50 pellets put threw it just wonderd if anyone had one and what like it is ? it has a logun gun lamp kit and that with it .
  12. kreet

    Stick making?????

    do you dry out your sticks if so how do you do it ? i used to strap one to the vclothes line and leave it for a few months .
  13. ... no permision i have permision on 6 farms 3 golf courses and a quarry . seing as its against the law to hunt with dogs id be pritty f**kin stupid posting about how i have all this permission im allowed to work my dogs on ..... as for dogs iv advertised dogs for a mate iv never even been out with the dogs so aint exactly passing threw my hands im gaining nothing from them . i now have 2 runs with insulated box beds whitch ill put money on are double the size of 90% of the runs iv seen on here and they are cleaned twice a day i was out for 4 hours with my jrt and my whippet today got a rabbit
  14. pour petrole down the hole threw a hose leading to the end then burn the bam out or as said put a hose down but switch it on full tilt n put your terrier on it if you have one might give the terrier a nip but be good sport for it (if your in ireland like)
  15. like the first dog she's a nice type . the rest are cracking dogs aswell .
  16. gotta say i agree with outshooting if the dogs gonna do the job itl do it with or without a tail and anyway they wont be going to ground ar*e first .
  17. that silvers a cracker stubby
  18. king messer .... go back threads in each topic my dogs are all walked and get a good feed twice a day all meat with a hand full of red mills racer . they are all in top condition in a secure invironment . the reason i aint putting my jrt pup out is she is tiny and has never been kept outside she had never been out till i got her and she cannot get in the bed as its up of the floor so isnt a good idea to leave her outside . as for do them a favour ... both my terriers will be worked well when the time comes i have more than enough foxe's waiting and the 5 month old pup is taking squirel an
  19. ace video those foxe's would be easy pickings if the pups were old enough ! get the fac out .
  20. is this away yet would it be worth your while posting it if all your going to be offerd is 120.... does it come with everything it has on it in the pick ?
  21. dont have any piks of them just now as there an hour away and he's away so have no way up just now im getting a run up to bring them down here once iv found them places to go as my run i have up to put them in is only able to hold them a few days at most . bump ill be speaking to the boy today hopefully so will put up what else i find out .
  22. thanks ill keep my eye on the thread always fancyed a saluki what price will the ones that are available be going for
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