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Everything posted by kreet

  1. he is an absolutly cracking dog , looks like a f**kin machine
  2. couple of new pik's of my 2 pups there coming on braw a pair of little monsters as mad as a pair of march hare lol
  3. i agree aswell , if he is as keen as you say then slip him .... if your taking him out with another dog that he is watching work i dont see why he wont start chasing on his first run . good luck with him he is a nice looking dog .
  4. hope you get your pup back mate and i hope you get the scum that have taken it !!
  5. he looks like he has saluki in him to me but would say he looked awfully bully ? any piks of parents ?
  6. klkl al look into it , was able to get belly pork for £2 a kg
  7. run the dog on them till it catches them then save the hastle of netting up......
  8. iv had alot of greyhounds only ever had one that would have worked any good in my opinion she was a small 4 year old decent enough track bitch but sipped the leash one night when we were out walking her having a look with the lamp and she totaly destroyed a fox before we got near her she use to walk to heal nae probs and wouldnt leave my side tho all the others i had were straight from over the water and out a field litraly most of the male's were pritty much dead to the world i wouldnt touch a male as in my iopinion they were less trusting and took alot more time and effort to bring on but wo
  9. not sure where the nearest slaughter house is to me and would i be able to take it to the slaughter house then get it back and have to butcher it my self or ?
  10. a field i lamp has one well not sure if its still there not seen im since the summer and theres one in the field with my horse's whitch im saving for the whippet once she starts chasing lol seen one or two every now and then over the years and a big whit one with black points up falkland always expected to see more as i seen him quite a few times when i was younger just when i was walking with the greyhounds . edited to add . always remember hearing its bad luck to kill the black uns but prolly just another old wife's tale .
  11. i was out for 2 hours earlyer with the whippet first time she has been out with the lamp also had the gun there was nuthing in a field usualy holding then over the quary to another field with 2 rabbits but soon as the lamp was on the went over the top of a hill when we got to the top of the hill there were three but went into burrows as soon as the lamp was on . then of to another feild whitch had three or four in the bottom part and 8 at the stables at the top all sitting out the 8 were about 150 yards up hill the others 50yards the the ones at the bottom were of straight away the ones up the
  12. that would be great [bANNED TEXT] , was out with the pup the nite never even got the chance to slip her they were all a bit lamp shy there were 8 in one field 4 on the golf course and 2 in another field gun wasnt working right hink its nakerd was shooting squirels with head shots and crows nae bother in the summer . seen brandon the night him n dillan n greg were up with us for a field then they had to go back down they were to noisy lol he was saying about the rabbits n that . going out on sunday so fingers crossed al get some gonna take the whippet for a look tae sick of her no dain anythin
  13. kreet

    new greyhound

    hope she turns out a good un for you , if you stick and show them a bit love they usualy will stick to you like glue unless there chasing something lol . when i was younger i remember walking the greyhounds one night with my grandad must have been about 5/6 and he had a huge bluey silver dog and 2 others my grans cat used to sit on the wall out the front and just as we walked out the gate it jamp down and well in a metter of seconds there was nothing left my gran heard the screatch and went mental lol always remember that she was gonna make him sleep in the kennel with the dog lol they are as
  14. no sure what he's wanting for it he ses there on ebay for 60 but a cant be botherd with the hastle of putting it on ebay so he was just looking for offers for it.
  15. no idea what this would be worth to anyone my wee cuz is selling his if it was after christmas id have taken it but to much still to get for the kids crimbo lol so offers in used but good condition with case for the collar .
  16. kreet

    new greyhound

    in he past the greyhounds iv had wernt that bad they came from trainers and kennels with 50 dogs plus even got a 3 year old bitch when i was 11 for my first dog who had injured her wrist and had lay up for a year in a barn had her a matter of weeks and she was briliant used to have my dad slip her in a grass field and she would strait line to me full speed and walk back at my heal gave her a few slips on the lamp to keen her up a little and she went back on the track no probs even won a few races at the end of every race she would stop when the hare stopped run strait to me and not give a toss
  17. thanks guys the only problem is i dont drive anymore and the partner will be mid january till she is driving but ill maybe go threw to one of them then as ive got a huge chest freezer whitch is empty the now as there are no bloody rabbits about to ferret and the whippet aint been on the lamp yet tonight will change that hopefully .
  18. i meant lamb mate sorry , ill try the market at the weekend and see what they say , what do i ask for if i want a lamb cut up ? just how i just ses it ?
  19. ill take a couple of piks the night mate .
  20. aye he's aba regesterd mother is vewable and can try and get the boy with the dad to come round mother is 27" to the shoulder very sport shape jumps 5 foot gates , sire a bit more stocky and the boy dont use him for anything other than a pet he's done some weight pull and pp work but nothing in compotition . he's a cracking pup but at the moment i have the whippet whirrier jrt and 2 bulldogs and the bulldogs just aint getting the effort and time they need or deserve as i cannot do nuthing with the dogs from 7am till 7 pm monday to friday at the moment just basics in the garden with the pups .
  21. dont know if anyone will be intrested but got here a breeding pair of ringnecks green/blue split had one clutch last year with a blue and asplit blue and a split yellow in it male is in cracking nick hen is a bit plucked as she is wanting to go down againe . for sale eather to an aviary for £40 or with a cage for £60 will get picks up if anyone is intrested .
  22. cracking pups mate where in the north east are you i know a boy looking for this sort of thing ?
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