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Everything posted by kreet

  1. ill give it a shot tmz then as she looks a mess , ok cheers .
  2. thought that would be the best idea she looks like a barrel but when you have a feel she is quite under weight but ill bring her on no probs should i get someone who has cut before to do her or just do it my self ? wait for the weather to warm a bit or do it just now ? cheers for the replys.
  3. last year with the same albino hob i got from him and polecat jill 4 sandy and 6 poley and to an albino jill all albino . the hob i have just now is albino from albino hob and poley jill his litter was a mix of both colours but all hobs im gonna have to service my 2 silvers with him this year as i cant get a blk eye white to use so im hopefull ill get at least a few silvers as there aint many about here . good luck with your breeding and mind fill us in with what how they turn out .
  4. hi just got an 8 month old deerhound bitch she is a bit of a mess has taken some mucking about to get her but thank god iv now got her she has a mess of a coat and minute i raise my voice she cows to fu** but at least she is here now and i can work with her . would i be best stripping her coat out or just getting the lot cut of and start from scratch dont think she has ever seen a brush she is getting on ace with the others just not sure whether she is going to go into the box bed any advice on her coat and getting her into the box to sleep ? ill over come the cowering with her no probs with t
  5. hi is there many people in scotland working the deerhound im supposed to be getting a bitch tmz this is the 3rd time iv been told im getting her so still not taking it for granted , just wanted to know what you use yours for and how to bring her on the boys been a bit heavy handed with her but ill over come that easily enough as iv had a few greyhounds right from the padock never even been on a leash but just wanted to know if theres many about and how you use yours the bitch hasnt caught nothing she is running the beem as he has had her out alot with another dog but she aint caught but the gu
  6. as the topic ses im after eather a hob to buy or if anyone local has one that they would be willing to service my bitches with then id be happy to give kits to who ever helped me out . cheers kris .
  7. the boy's just got a saluki whippet its in a heck of a mess but with a bit work should turn good so no longer looking for one .
  8. mate lost his laky dog today due to old age and is after something to kennel with his lurcher male as it doesnt settle in the kennel its self dont think it realy matters what it is aslong as it will kennel hapilly with another dog something that hasnt made the grade as a digging dog or whatever he isnt botherd just something to keep his dog company potter around with and maybe the odd bit ratting must be free or pritty cheap but as i say he isnt after anything special .
  9. i agree with terrier man there all the same the guy should have been honest with you from the start as any decent person should be .
  10. if you still have him mate give me a ring im seriously intrested and available anytime or pm me your number .
  11. he's a nice enough looking dog mate but im looking after a tall sporty type dog something with a very low hip score something like 8 or 9 you wont know what his final hip score will be for a while yet at that age . i was more looking for something abit older fully filled out and fully mature my bitch still showed noticeable changes up untill she was 3 she has a score of 8 and although i havent had her in any competitions she will happily run along side my bike for over an hour she can scale an 8 foot wall hang from a ide all day and both my kids can do anything to her and she would sleep threw
  12. is he away mate i have a bitch who is 13 months at the moment and also a whippetx jrt bitch a bit younger im after a dog whippet and he sounds pritty good . dont realy know anyone who can vouch for me but can keep you updated with piks and if in future if you wanted a pup you would be more than welcome to one as once im finished with my bitch ill be taking a litter of her as she is of good coursing breeding can provide piks of the my dogs and kennels etc if he's still available . regards kris .
  13. to be honest iv never fished for pike in any river , i have only ever fished for pike in a reservwire/fishery whitch has over the years naturaly over populated with pike now i havent fished for them in five years but when we used to go up we would walk round the water twice every day of the summer catching a fish with litraly every cast from a pound and a half up biggest was over 20 all caught on spinners it was normal to catch over 20 a day each and i can remember us having competitions and my mate was the better fisher who would always catch more he caught 47 pike one day and we would always
  14. im gonna give pike a try this year at the end of the day if it isnt the best tasting fish who care's ? at least you know how fresh it is where its come from and its a free source of protien so whats so bad about that ? if its that bad then spice it up a bit take the head of and stuff with a little lemon onion chilli's good bit of garlic and a healthy seasoning add extra spice's to your likeing and i cant see it being that bad . im sertainly gonna give it a go we dont eat anough of whats good for us nowa days and with what it costs for a decent bit fish in the shops if i can make it taste ok an
  15. seen a dog with a few toe's like that and it run just fine do you know what it is yet broken toe or just bad toe's or what ?
  16. is this possition still available i dont have any qualifications as yet but am due to start at elmwood college cupar in august i have worked on a few estate's previously as an old mate was an underkeeper iv also been on numerouse estate's as a beater and could get plenty refrence's from keeper's up this way . if the postion is still available then id be very intarested but im afraid if i would nead qualifications then i would be more than willing to come on with day release if that was suitable . i have experience in fen's larsen's snaring rabbit drop/box traps a little experience with scisor
  17. i have an interveiw at the end of the month elmwood college cupar maybe to far tho mate .
  18. i had a bitch from rattler she was a short heavy set bitch but i had to sell her at around 8 months as the two of them just did not get on she would be around 2 and a half now got her from darlington for £250 , ill get up to date piks of my bitch up shortly i got a new camera and my other half has lost the usb cable for it so when i find that ill get some new piks up . there all nice looking dogs .
  19. cheers guy's itl be ruffly mid summer her next season so itl be nearer then that im neading one but both ill note down details of for when she doe's im looking for a pritty sporty tall dog with decent hips . cheers .
  20. its not bad up here for them mate just advertise them as johnstones bulldogs or bulldogs then advise on what they are when people call my mate has sold all both his last litter for £750 a pup but the sire is my bitche's litter brother there aint many dogs close to me that aint very close relative's of my bitch or just sh*t dogs . ill be sticking pik's up of her when she's in shape soon she has just not long came threw a season but there wasnt a dog available that i would bother letting near her i have three pups reserved for when i do breed her and all three are more than willing to pay £750
  21. you can feed them anything they will take realy but what you feed will decide how yours eat , a good diet of corn or grain will assure how your birds turn out (in theory) lol.
  22. im after a decent hob to stick with my jills this coming year have money waiting will travel within 10 mile's of fife scotland or will pay courier if that can be arranged . ill take a ferret that bite's or any other problem as with a little time ill get him past it . regards kris .
  23. a boy used to live in my village/town he payed £1200 for one and it used to work all quary i would regularly bump into him when i was out with my dogs and he would always have a fox/hare or some rabbits he never lamped and never used ferrets tho .
  24. i used to keep 3 quail in each of my aviary's as a youngster they are hardy as nick just the hens never want to sit on there egs lol and if its the big type's then best kept on there own as iv seen them jump about 6 foot of the floor and pull down a lovebird and kill it on quite a few occasions . sounds like a decent idea id give it a shot if it wasnt for the girl saying im allowed nothing else till we move lol . any piks of from incubation to plate could make a good wee video for the site lol.
  25. i didnt even notice how old this add was ill have to pay more attention .
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