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Everything posted by kreet

  1. cheers mate never made it last nite it was pouring down and my little cuz who was going with me never turned up so be the weekend till we get some nite fishing on the go hope the weather stays clear .
  2. more than likly just didnt make the grade mate alot more dogs from our side of the water dont make the grade as they are bread from a lesser class of dog but just because she cant do it on a track doesnt mean she wont work well enough same goes for fighters as said some will only fight on the track like some lurchers will fight with another dog if slipped together there all diff but id go with she more than likly was someone breeding there ex track dogs and trying out the pups a 1 in 100 shot of getting something decent and most wont be likly to even qualify on a track . any piks of her im par
  3. if he has other running dogs doing the job why keep another and get rid of his guard dog and protection from the others . she sounds like she will make someone a decent bitch mate good luck finding her the [bANNED TEXT] home .
  4. cheer's it's alot better than sitting about anyways better now the weathers changing aswell . im sick trying to tell him mate he thinks he knows it all his red dog took the skin of a pad a said to take him home rest him till it was a bit better he said no no the dogs hard as fcuk and ran him another twice with no catche's ill not be back out with him its like trying to smuggle an elephant onto a plane stalking anything with him . hope fully ill be doing it the proper way soon aswell lol . gun sounds nice . regards kris.
  5. mate use's a number 2 standard black plastic whistle its personal prefrence tho the dog should respond to whatever its tought to .
  6. cheers name ill give it a go as i say hopefully bag one the nite or two . the deeper one was on bubble float a small fly and a maggot and had a gut full of maggots but i hadnt been feeding the water someone must have ditched there spare maggots the nite before the longer fish was on sweetcorn
  7. well im not long back from a days fishing also naild 2 rook who ill post piks of when i get a minute but the piks of my trout are up . as for stuart the boys a joke he has 4 monkeys and thinks everyone of thems a dog . iv only got a few greyhounds in my kennel the now plus the terrierx and the whippet but i have a [bANNED TEXT] dog coming for the start of the coming season from the boy i get my greyhounds from and if he sends a lurcher anywhere near the class of his greyhounds over the water ill be over the moon . was out with stuart the other day he slipped the bullx and the bitsa lurche
  8. cheers mate there in the oeven the now stuffed with some peppers onion basil corriander n salt n pepper cant bloody wait lol . going out for a few hours the nite so hopefully bag one or two .
  9. got two today out of the drimain fishery out the back of leslie a pik of them there aswell forgot to take one before i cleaned them.
  10. got two today out of the drimain fishery out the back of leslie a pik of them there aswell forgot to take one before i cleaned them.
  11. if i had so much time on my hand's an didnt have 2 kids to run after id be out with my gun or the dogs or even fishing with the weather like it is today . all im saying is dont judge someone you dont know to many people are at it on here i peronaly havnent been posting my outings as they havent all been eventfull and its been bigger game than rabbits iv been watching but ill be clearing some woods of corvids over the next month so ill be posting plenty pik's and topic's for anyone intarested . to be honest i havent seen many topics on here worth the reading of late in any of the sections some
  12. chairborne written all over yourself you mean why dg up an old post to argue .... i was shooting a boys land this morning for him shot half a dozen rooks and a maggie couldnt be arsed picking them up as he just wants them culling there are young leaving the nest etc ill take some piks when i head back up this afternoon just to show you how much of an armchair hunter i am mate ill also get some up of the dogs were runing at the minute between me and a mate id have posted piks of the weekends outings but due to the type of hunting it was i didnt even bother taking my camera as i wouldnt post inc
  13. id go with mostly whippxcollie but there could be anything in there aslong as she's doing the job then doesnt realy matter good luck with her mate .
  14. always used cut heal it was £20 a bottle 6 years ago so no idea what it costs now try find it on the net somewhere it works wonders .
  15. the place i was talking about is in fife mate probably a bit far it was £10 for the day bank fishing but its a fishery so if there are to many boats out you aint alowed on because they are paying alot more money to fish the water and complain if there are rods in of the side the catch less fish so they say. ill ask the boy whats what with the fishing this year and let you know the crack .
  16. sounds like a good day even though there wernt many about .
  17. the people i know in the greyhound world dont start schooling till 16 months at the very earlyest . we were out today with a grey/colliexbull/grey bitch and a whippxgreyhound had a few slips one on a fox and two on roe it was like the whipp/greyhound was gaining on the big buck then the buck just pulled from him whitch i was surprised at if he were my dog i wouldnt be at all amused the old bitch was harder at them but she's passed it . my opinion on this tho would be around the 18 months for the big breeds as stated .
  18. haha exactly one like this ... what one that good your panning it of your a joke .
  19. lol i dont own any lurchers at the minute mate i have a greyhound dog worth more than ten of the best dog you have ever owned a whippet and 2 bulldogs and i dont own an airgun how about you shoot your shite instead of selling it on .... dont see many bullx's that aint done out going for that sort of coin id expect alot more for my money .
  20. i just leav the jill in with a hob usualy once the swelling stops take her out a good ride never dopne anyone any harm .
  21. whose bumping ?? what possibly give's this man any reason to have a post left without spam after the spam he left in my post ? what did anyone do about that ? dont reply ... like you didnt reply to my post did you ?
  22. you must have a very sad life all you seem to do on here i argue or try and cause bother as for what's in my yard they have been out twice today and its a bit lite yet to be out with the lamp . as i said good luck with the sale and grow bloody up christ im half your age and show more maturity.
  23. you dont have half a clue i bought the deerhound as there aint many around and i knew if she didnt fit in here i would have no problem in selling her on iv paid good money for good dogs and iv been given dogs as most people in this game will have aswell but i dont see why i should get the stick of you for something that you are now doing im no more a dog dealer than you end of story i only posted because you done so in my threads good luck with the sale of the dog he is a decent enough looking animal and should make someone a decent little dog .
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