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Everything posted by kreet

  1. will take £120 that is as low as i can go folks and the dogs a steel at that.
  2. no kiddin lol a boy just picked it up there so thats it away anyways. SOLD.
  3. na mate the girl payd more than that for him and it wouldnt be worth selling him plus there are a few boys intarested but having to travel up .
  4. iv no idea iv only had the dog a few weeks the only reason i baught him is the boy was knocking the sh*t out of him and i thought id give him a go but as i say i dont have the work this season for 2 dogs and im not leaving my bitch lying in the kennel. the dog come from a keeper and was at the beating last season he also used him for ruff shooting but to what standard the dog is im not sure he will stop on comand and will go back or whatever way you tell him and will pick up from land or water he will also walk to heasl of the leash thats as much as i know iv not had the chance to do much with
  5. lol its a bit of a hike alrite .
  6. and what i do with my time and property is your buisness how ? i decided to keep him as i was going to put the effort in with him and keep him but my bitch needs more work for the start of the season than i thought she did plus i dont have enough beating this year to work both dogs plus i no longer ruff shoot with shotguns so its completly stupid to keep 2 dogs for the gun when i could have something that will be used in the kennel space instead. unless your intarested dont post this dog does his job and ill show that before anyone buys what i do with my dogs is my buisness. he was sold la
  7. 50cc midi quadro suit 7 and up as its quite nippy it takes 15 stone man and still goes a bit i bought it for my daughter but she is only just turned 5 and its 2 quick for her and she cant control it im only wanting what i bought it for and thats £60 also have a load of petrol and 2 stroke mixed up for it whitch will go with it aswell about 4 ltr plus the tanks full .
  8. hi i have a male 3 years old has been beating last season and has been mostly used for ruff shooting i got him not long ago from a keeper the dog is very good and doesnt mess in kennel he will kennel with anything he walks of the leash to heal (when asked) he will work whatever you tell him to and will only pick up game (no sticks etc) he will also retreve from water or land he is a very good looking dog and is always desparate to please he works constantly and will work for a day on a beat and would still do ruff shooting before or after it . his only vice is i cant get him to stop on the whi
  9. what sort of price are they mate and are the pick up only?
  10. jrt sold and ess is no longer for sale due to a hard think and change in situation. regards kris.
  11. the jrt is away mate she went last night she wasnt for sale as a grafter i made it quite clear she had only seen a few rabbits and rats the boy that got her is only wanting a ratting dog and a companion anyway . ill get a few more of the springer mate he is part trained to the whistle he was fully trained but when i went away a boy i thought i could trust was looking after him and iv no idea what the twat has done but he wont stop on the whistle anymore he will come in with the whistle and work in the direction you tell him he was sitting on the whistle and stopping but he wasnt even sitti
  12. he's £150 mate kennels alone or in company walks to heal and will work anything you put him into he never misses a bird . has been out the hole of last season and half the season before beating he is a steel at £150
  13. i have for sale due to a drastic change in my circumstances my male english springer spaniel who is a very good bushing and beating dog i have also had him out ruff shooting iv just been away for a month and the dog hasnt been any further than the local park and he needs more than that so is for sale to working home only he doesnt mess at all in kennel and is very quiet while in kennel and while working he doesnt whinge he is 3 years old last month liver and white i do not have pictures nor the time to take them so if intrested pm me . jack russel bitch short legged black and white bitch a
  14. the vet i use only take's £17 each jab whitch is steep i didnt realise thats what he charged the girl i used to get em for £10 a jab fully documented from a greyhound vet prices are unreal nowadays.
  15. kreet


    in my opinion i would watch what i was doing as if they are tinkers you dont want to go leaving them with a kicking in your yard as there the sort who would do something to your family and they would just vanish never to be caught so i would watch better with a guard dog and just keeping an eye on things and telling them what to do but even with a guard dog if they want what there after bad enough iv seen some very well trained guard's shot dead and everything takin so id just watch what you do for your own sake in the long run mate. i would be the first to call my mates and doo the f*ckers bu
  16. no no ferrets but i do sell cartons of fags a mate has three jills one just dropped 2 expecting so if its kits you after there will be some available in 6 weeks !!
  17. i always have plenty lying around lads so dont think ill run out of things to sell will have a foal who will be on the market soon also a few other things but will be advertised else where as this site is just grief rather than actualy selling anything but its funny some of the replys piks available bye email of any of the above 100cc quad and 100cc rt both pending payment
  18. im just doing what everyone does to me all i said was the dog was clean looking for a 3 year old if he was 100% and a bit less pricey id have been intrested lost my dog at the start of the year to ground and my bitch is still a bit young the term arm chair hunter is thrown around abit much now most people on this site do some work they just like to have there say thats what the world of the internet and forums is all about you cant expect anything other than peoples opinions on here read any post and its all other people's opinions you just have to live with it . good luck with the sale my
  19. kreet

    Puppies and

    all the ones i have seen used were around 1m of the floor and depends on the weather mate and how weel the kennel is insulated some people will not bother with a lamp if there kennel is insulated and in summer . whats the litter due from ? id say once there eye's were open i would take the lamp away but as i say depends time of year if you dont use a lamp the dogs will be more hardy where as if you have em under a lamp once you take it away they will be abit soft and feel any slight change in the weather but as i say its all to do with the climate and at the moment one day is roasting the next
  20. my pedaling buisness.... how many dogs have i sold in the last few weeks ? my mates have all given up the sport and i only have a few dogs of my own the dogs i sold wernt all mine and there are plenty sell as many on here but i sold the dogs i did sell at low price's and lost money on a few as i would rather they went to the right home . now i have owned and worked dogs since i was a youngster and i can tell you one thing in this day and age if you aint willing to work a set that is offerd you someone else will and you will lose permision and permision should be respected and welcomed there ar
  21. you all deserve a pat on the back as there are far too many people who would have taken them just for the sake of it as you say hopefully you will bump into them againe in the future once they have some meat on them.
  22. im not picking i think he is a nice looking dog but doesnt look like he has seen much the boys i know with terriers that are 100% work them all year thats how they keep permision. if the dog comes with trial then its a fair price but i wouldnt buy a terrier at 3 years that looks that clean and expect a hard digging dog .
  23. im halfers on 2 of the bike's and the rest are mine but you could say i have my hand in many pies and im gonna need funds the game fair in a fortnight as there is no work for me at the moment .
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