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Everything posted by cattykid123

  1. a scem is a ferrel pigeon you see round the towns
  2. just got back from a days hunting with the catty got a woody and a scem id post a pic but it would only get taken down
  3. New natty uv had a wile just finished it for a mate
  4. wow let me know if you ever want to sell that its a work of art
  5. wow its just a judgement no need to have ago its just a thort
  6. I don't see how people shoot them but its a nice catty never the less
  7. no mate but if your on this on your phone you click on the paperclip underneath the text box and it will ask you to choos a picture and then click attach this file but macke sure your on the full version one it will say full version at the bottom ov this topic
  8. you want m/8 hex nuts mate or 10mm steel or lead
  9. hi lads im after a new catty any of you got any for sale preferably an fps or an ott
  10. what is it made off ych might have a go at one my self
  11. can you post a pic of your fork hit then we can see the damege
  12. I got one from ych and it was realy small and comphy to hold he is your man if you want a small catty
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